Top 10 Osama bin Laden Movies list. Twenty years have passed since the Pentagon and World Trade Centre attacks devastated the United States and shocked the whole world. It was a catastrophe that shaped American foreign and domestic policy for many years to come and is still influencing it today.
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1. Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Director: Kathryn Bigelow
In 2003, Maya received her first field assignment in Pakistan as an analyst working with an interrogation team. Maya was hired by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1999, soon after graduating from high school, and has since been exclusively focused on the Al Qaeda file. If only because of 9/11 and the knowledge that Al Qaeda was responsible for it, this mission is now more crucial than it was when she was hired. The team’s primary task is to destroy Al Qaeda; if Osama bin Laden is found and killed, that would be a bonus.
Maya is unprepared for the emotional strain of the work due to her youth and inexperience, especially given the brutal interrogation techniques she witnesses. Things shift when Maya becomes more involved in the case. Techniques for questioning suspects that were once considered “torture” may now be criminally charged. However, Maya also makes a change where she zeroes in on bin Laden and is willing to use any means necessary to get him, including those cruel interrogation methods. With the debate over what constitutes an acceptable risk or probability in the pursuit of the ultimate goal of taking out bin Laden always on the table, this focus causes her to argue with anyone in a position of authority above her who may not concur with her appraisal of a situation.
2. Secrets of SEAL Team Six (2011)
Director: John Stockwell
SEAL Team Six is a fictionalized depiction of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, it has much in common with a Dick Cheney-penned political propaganda piece. The only issue is that Barack Obama, not any other president, ordered the risky manhunt. The cover of Seal Team VI, an elite group of government agents, has been compromised after three decades of secrecy. The individuals who carried out the mission to assassinate Osama Bin Laden are a breed unto themselves, even among the highest military levels. In this intriguing new one-off from Discovery Channel, former undercover agents are interviewed, the secrets of Seal Team VI are revealed, and sensitive information that you are not supposed to know is revealed.
3. Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden (2012)
Director: John Stockwell
Several Navy SEALs arrive to learn who their target is: Osama bin Laden. The CIA prepares a group of skilled U.S. Navy SEALs for the operation of a lifetime when Osama bin Laden’s rumored whereabouts are made public. The Pentagon orders the operation despite the lack of solid proof that bin Laden is there in the complex and disregarding the potential repercussions of an unannounced attack on Pakistani territory. In an exciting final encounter, the SEAL Team unites to achieve their goal of justice.
The CIA prepares a group of seasoned US Navy SEALs for the operation of a lifetime when Osama bin Laden’s rumored whereabouts are made public. The Pentagon authorizes the strike on Osama bin Laden’s compound despite ambiguous evidence and the potential consequences of an unannounced attack on Pakistani territory. In a thrilling final encounter, the SEAL squad unites to achieve their goal of justice.
4. The Report (2019)
Director: Scott Z. Burns
THE REPORT is based on real occurrences. Sen. Dianne Feinstein gives idealistic staffer Daniel J. Jones the responsibility of leading a probe of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Programme, which was established in the wake of 9/11. The results of Jones’ unrelenting search for the truth reveal the depths to which the country’s top intelligence agency went to obstruct justice, destroy evidence, and conceal a horrific secret from the American people.
The story introduces George Tenet, Bernadette, and Gretchen as they anxiously watch live videos of the attacks at the Counterterrorist Centre (CTC). Tenet reports to the CIA a few days later on meeting with President George W. Bush and CTC director Cofer Black at Camp David. According to John Rizzo, the CIA’s legal advisor, the President granted the agency authority to “capture and detain suspected terrorists.” The next year, the CIA hires intelligence psychologists James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen to train its personnel in enhanced interrogation methods (EITs).
5. World Trade Center (2006)
Director: Oliver Stone
There is still optimism in the wake of the World Trade Centre catastrophe. Rescuers and the victims’ families move forward, refusing to submit to terrorism. Their belief that a coworker, friend, or family member may be found under each piece of rubble is what motivates them in their mission of rescue and recovery. This is the real-life account of William J. Jimeno and John McLoughlin, two of the last people to be rescued from Ground Zero, and the rescuers who never gave up.
This is the tale of the real heroes who stood tall at that crucial period in American history when heroes truly rose from the ashes to inspire all of humanity. In response to the World Trade Center’s North Tower being struck by a jet on September 11, 2001, Port Authority Police officers are sent to Downtown Manhattan. While traveling, the officers learn that the South Tower was also struck by another plane. Officers Antonio Rodrigues, Will Jimeno, and Dominick Pezzulo are among the volunteers assembled by Sergeant John McLoughlin, a survivor of the 1993 explosion, to gather rescue supplies from Building 5. Officer Christopher Amoroso has joined them.
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6. Worth (2020)
Director: Sara Colangelo
A lawyer in Washington, DC, fights against politics, bureaucracy, and cynicism to aid 9/11 victims. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund is headed by attorney and famous mediator Kenneth Feinberg after the horrifying 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. To support the families who had suffered immeasurable losses, Feinberg and Camille Biros, the chief of operations at his company, are tasked with assigning financial resources to the victims of the catastrophe. This is an impossible assignment. Feinberg’s initial skepticism changes to compassion when he learns the genuine human consequences of the tragedy as he spars with Charles Wolf, a community organizer who is grieving the loss of his wife.
7. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)
Director: Stephen Daldry
Oskar Schell, age 9, has autism and resides in New York City with his parents, Thomas and Linda Schell. He is close to his father, who motivates him by sending him on missions to look for hints about the “lost Sixth Borough” of New York City. The duties he is given require him to interact with others and investigate his surroundings, which is difficult for him. On September 11, 2001, schools get out early, and when Oskar gets home alone, he finds six messages on his father’s answering machine from the World Trade Centre. Before Linda gets home, Oskar hides beneath his bed, where his grandmother discovers him. At his father’s funeral, Oskar is irate because he cannot comprehend how his father died.
8. 9/11: One Day in America (2021)
Director: Daniel Bogado
It’s difficult to believe anyone hasn’t had visions of the Twin Towers, whether they were on fire or collapsing, forever seared in their brains twenty years after the horrible events of 9/11. This means that the docuseries, which was created in collaboration with The 9/11 Memorial and Museum, don’t skimp on repeat shots of American Airlines Flight 11 or United Airlines Flight 175 crashing into the towers, nor does it skip close-up helicopter shots of people trapped on upper floors waving out the windows for help or jumping — images which are, to put it mildly, disturbing and potentially re-traumatizing for those who survived the day. But according to Marsden, the continued dissemination of such images is to the survivors’ advantage.
9. Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror (2021)
Director: Brian Knappenberger
Interviews with administration officials, former CIA employees, American veterans, Afghanistan National Army soldiers, Taliban commanders, Afghan government officials, Afghan warlords, Afghan civilians, and survivors provide a detailed account of the events. This honest series chronicles the 9/11 terrorist attacks, from the 1980s origins of Al Qaeda to America’s robust response, both domestically and internationally. A comprehensive account of the September 11, 2001 assaults on the United States provides insightful viewpoints and first-person accounts of how those tragic events altered the path of the country. History has been formed from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 to the stunning return of the Taliban to power just weeks before the twentieth anniversary of the attacks.
10. The Anthrax Attacks (2022)
Director: Dan Krauss
Letters containing lethal anthrax spores cause panic and disaster in the US days after 9/11. This documentary explores the ensuing FBI inquiry. United States anthrax attacks in 2001, sparked one of the biggest and most involved FBI investigations in law enforcement history. One week after the terrorist attacks on September 11, what became one of the worst biological attacks in American history claimed the lives of five Americans and sickened at least 17. It’s a remarkable scientific story about deadly poison, obsession, and paranoia that is taking place throughout America and beyond and is being recounted against the backdrop of the war on terrorism.