Top 10 Greatest Djibouti Movies of All Time

Top 10 Greatest Djibouti Movies of All Time. You should check out these Djibouti Movies. These Djibouti Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


1. We’re No Angels (1989)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Neil Jordan

Back in the 1930s, a bunch of convicts were trapped in a tiny town near the border between the US and Canada. They’re taken away by an abusive warden, and they get confused with a priest couple in the monastery.

They try to get away by crossing a bridge, but that’s almost impossible due to misunderstandings and the search party. Ned and Jim end up pretending to be the priest couple, and they get a warm welcome from a laundry lady and a hooker named Molly.

Eventually, they decide to take a procession to Molly’s sister’s church across the border in Canada. But each priest needs to bring someone, so Ned brings Molly’s deaf and dumb daughter. – Djibouti Movies

2. Murina (2021)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović

The movie follows Julija, a bubbly, independent girl who lives on a tiny island off the coast of Croatia with her mom and dad.

One weekend, Julija sees her parents getting ready for Javier, an old friend, while her mom and dad are flirting and Nela is trying to talk Javier into buying their land and building a fancy resort. But the weekend quickly spirals out of control, with old grudges and family fights.

Julija loves to swim and go spearfishing, and she’s always in her one-piece swimsuit, so she spends the weekend in the ocean.

She’s trying to get her mom to fall in love with Javier to get away from Ante, but Nela won’t have it, saying Javier will forget about them the minute he gets on the plane. – Djibouti Movies

3. Safe Place (2022)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Juraj Lerotić

The narrative follows a family as it navigates the aftermath of a tragedy that interferes with their day-to-day lives. It is as if they are engaged in a covert battle that is unseen by the public. Their lives are irrevocably altered. The narrative is inspired by the author’s personal experiences, with the director playing a role in the film. – Djibouti Movies

4. Death of the Little Match Girl (2023)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Goran Kulenovic

Fero, a recently divorced pathologist, heads back to Rab Island where he spent a lot of time with his dad. He’s there to help with his friend’s daughter’s funeral, but soon he’s caught up in investigating a Romanian prostitute’s murder.

As they look for the killer, they’re haunted by a bad decision they made when they were young, and Fero has to investigate the case on his own because of the ghosts from his past. – Djibouti Movies

5. Escort (2023)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Lukas Nola

Miro was a highly successful individual, married, and the proud father of two children. However, his life was to be drastically altered after a night of debauchery with a prostitute and two hotel staff members who coerced him into an act he had no right to engage in.

He was away on business when he indulged in the act, which was his first time in such a manner. Upon awakening from the act, he discovered the hooker had passed away in the bathroom.

He attempted to conceal the incident with the assistance of two hotel staff members, however, they soon began to request favors from him.

It began as a simple gesture, however, their demands became increasingly demanding. Ultimately, the two hotel staff members played a pivotal role in Miro’s life, one that he will never forget. – Djibouti Movies

6. Sixth Bus (2022)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Eduard Galić

The narrative follows the protagonist, an American young man, as he searches for a man from his past who has yet to be found amid the greatest conflict Europe has faced since the Battle of the Bulge.

His quest for identity is interwoven with his aspirations for faith, companionship, and redemption.

In a society where the truth is often elusive, hard to acquire, and even frightening, the character’s quest for truth serves as a source of self-reflection and liberation. – Djibouti Movies

7. The Uncle (2022)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Andrija Mardešić

A Yugoslavian family celebrates Christmas with their uncle, who is back from Germany after a long absence. However, the celebration is cut short when the uncle’s mobile phone rings, indicating that the family no longer lives in the 1980s and that the stress and the turkey are too much to handle without a knife. – Djibouti Movies

8. The Last Serb in Croatia (2019)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Predrag Ličina

Seven years after Croatia’s declaration of bankruptcy, the world finds itself in the midst of a conflict in which water has become more precious than oil.

The powerful are seeking to gain control of the water through military action, conquest, devastation, and the spread of a virus that causes zombie-like fevers.

The protagonist, Mico, a man from the city of Zagreb, who spends his days in a massage parlor, a restaurant, and a cinema, watching a series of movies featuring his girlfriend, the actress he loves, is unprepared for the onset of these zombie-infested epidemics.

Nevertheless, Mico is determined to follow his own path of self-improvement, with the help of his beloved film star, in order to survive. – Djibouti Movies

9. You Carry Me (2015)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Ivona Juka

The narrative follows the journey of three daughters, Dora, Ives, and Natasha, as they navigate the complexities of acceptance, forgiveness, and new beginnings.

Dora, an impoverished young woman, dreams of becoming a football manager, and her father, an outcast, enters her life, forming a strong bond between them.

Ives, a director, takes care of her father while he struggles with Alzheimer’s, and after his death, she gradually loses her grip on her life.

Natasha, a successful producer, is pregnant, and when the situation begins to deteriorate, she resolves to confront her lost father. Each of the three daughters carries their father with them, yet each must confront their own truths. – Djibouti Movies

10. General (2019)

Djibouti Movies

Director: Antun Vrdoljak

The film’s title suggests that it is intended to be a comedic comedy, however, it is more likely to be a serious drama based on the memoirs of a renowned Croatian general. The dialogue of the film is similar to that of “The Room”, or some of the works of Leslie Nielsen, but it is not a comedy. – Djibouti Movies

Djibouti Movies
