The 13 Best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

The 13 Best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed. A list of the best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed. You should check out these Turkish Movies in English Dubbed. These Turkish Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.



1. Heartsong (2022)

The 13 Best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

A traveling musician who is serenading a wedding that is in danger of disintegrating falls in love with the bride, which causes issues for her family. As the ritual degenerates, he must save her life. You embark on a journey of romance, community, and love in the face of adversity in the film. Heartsong will startle you in a different way than other films, even though this may sound familiar. This one is for you if you enjoy surprising stories with strange characters and heartwarming narratives. The narrative of the film centers on Piroz, a member of the musically nomadic Dom tribe. He and his brother are asked to provide music at a wedding, and Piroz unavoidably develops feelings for both the bride, Sümbül, and her. Piroz then leaves to be with the love of his life while the wedding falls apart for reasons of its own.

2. My Father’s Violin (2022)

The 13 Best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

The story of eight-year-old Ozlem, a child in Europe with her father. She travels with her father and his band as they perform on the streets and makes a living in different sections of the city. However, when Ozlem’s father learns he is dying, things get challenging. When the bandmates learn that Ozlem does have an uncle who can take care of her after he passes away, they turn her over to Child Protective Services. The narrative then follows the relationship between Mehmet, a famous violinist, and Ozlem, his niece. An emotionally distant, prosperous violinist uncle and an orphaned girl form a bond over their mutual pain and love of music.

3. Grudge (2021)

The 13 Best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

This is the story of a police chief who was involved in a deadly incident before his promotion. He discovers a hateful conspiracy that threatens his associates. The Chief of the Police, who had been in the queue for a promotion after apprehending a gang in Istanbul, is assassinated by someone who allegedly harbors resentment towards him over one of his earlier cases. Chief Inspector Harun travels to join his coworkers in celebrating after obtaining the top prize in his profession.

Harun, who believes he would be promoted after receiving the prize, kills the taxi driver on his way home that night after being attacked by him in self-defense. When this murder case is reported to the police the following morning, Harun starts looking for the person who committed the crime. Every piece of information he uncovers leads her into something far more complicated as he struggles to deal with the pressure of being both the escapee and the pursuer. Kin challenges your perceptions of crime, guilt, and innocence with its gripping narrative.

4. Last Summer (2021)

The 13 Best Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

Deniz, 16, navigates a love triangle and his childhood crush’s attention while on summer break in a coastal resort. The story takes place in Southern Turkey in the summer of 1996. We follow a group of teens as they learn about love, life, and how to deal with the sun, wind, jagged cliffs, unending waves, and hearts that will eventually experience sadness. Deniz always goes to his parent’s vacation home, but this year is different because he turned 16 and is now feeling new emotions and wanting to have more romantic experiences. He thinks he’s old enough to have his first sexual encounter with Asli, the girl he’s loved since childhood. Deniz observes Burak, the athletic and stunning young man who lives in the same neighborhood, smitten with Asli as he tries to get closer to her. While seeing each character’s relationship develop, the audience will also go through their first heartbreak and adolescent revelation.

5. Paper Lives (2021)

Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

Mehmet, who oversees the neighborhood’s solid waste facility, is a beloved individual who gives to those in need, especially homeless children and teenagers because he was once one of them. Tahsin Baba is his staunchest ally in this world. When an 8-year-old youngster named Ali enters Mehmet’s life, everything changes drastically. Mehmet forges a distinct connection with the young kid while working to get Ali back with his family. An eight-year-old boy is found hiding in his coworker’s rubbish bag by Mehmet, a kind garbage collector in a poor part of Istanbul who, after becoming homeless, has a soft spot for the many homeless kids around. Mehmet is committed to helping the youngster get in touch with his relatives.

6. Godspeed (2022)

Turkish Movies in English Dubbed

The story of Captain Salih, a combat veteran with a prosthetic leg, is told in the film Godspeed. Captain Salih frequently experiences intense, laborious flashbacks to horrible events he’d rather forget. Even a young youngster playing hopscotch seems to set off his war-related PTSD. Salih, a man on the edge, is introduced while he and his buddy Kerim are robbing a house of cash and a gun before driving off to interrupt someone’s wedding.

Salih travels with his humorous sub-lieutenant and friend Kerim as he becomes irritated with his car and frequently quarrels and swears at him. It is revealed that the wedding they are attempting to call off is that of Kerim’s alleged mistress, who was being coerced into a marriage. They travel in a vintage automobile across Turkey’s gorgeous roadways while engaging in small conversations and additional robberies as they make their approach to this crucial showdown.

7. Doom of Love (2022)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

At a yoga retreat, Firat falls in love with a singer and follows her on a self-fulfilling quest. With such lovely connection between the characters, this movie was enjoyable to see. Lidya and Firat happen to cross paths accidentally. After the former’s obituary writing business fails, Melda and Sehrat invite him on a vacation. Not just anywhere, but rather to a quiet retreat for meditation on the island. Its instructor is a well-known figure who gained notoriety for allegedly “talking to the dead.”

Lidya is a member of the group that performs soothing Turkish and Sanskrit chants and songs. Irfan, Firat’s brother, aids him in landing a sales representative position at a pharmaceutical company. Lidya and Firat cross paths once more at a convention. Yusuf, who Firat believes to be Lidya’s partner, agrees. But this time, the couple manages to persuade Firat to leave his stressful existence behind and journey with them. While it lasts, the adventure is magnificent.

8. Cute & Dangerous (2015)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

Zelis is set to embark on a marriage in a world where she does not belong. A daughter who was still in the cradle when Zarok abducted her in Edirne many years ago caused a family immense suffering for all of their lives. After many years, Zarok seizes the chance. This time, he will kidnap the girl he previously abducted and take him back to his actual family to help him get over his regret! But both characters will also go on a romantic trip along this process.

Everything you could want is in this film: humor, drama, feelings, and action. Ayca performed brilliantly in her role, just like she did in Karagul, and the tale is great. The performers are all fantastic. Rather than being a traditional fairy tale, the narrative is an inverted fairy tale. A complete community is depicted, and the set was expertly chosen for slumber or poverty. It is a place where criminals reside, supports one another, eat, and aid youngsters.


9. Cici (2022)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

This film is about a family who, after suffering a tragic loss—the death of an abusive father—leaves their rural hamlet and moves to the city. The main plot of the film is around what happens when the family returns after a 30-year hiatus just to revisit the shocking truth. Soon after, they experience a spectrum of complicated emotions and tragic disclosures that either permanently separate them or strengthen their bond. In the first part of the sentimental drama, the late Mr. Bekir leads his home with total authority on a Turkish pasture in the 1970s. His wife, Havva, hates him for being unfaithful to her and for the way he treats his children. Kadir, the eldest son, is routinely hit by Bekir. Additionally, he forbids his kids from going to school. His daughter Saliha disappears for cozy outings with Cemil, a young man who works on the farm. The dad suddenly falls ill and dies after punishing Kadir one day.

10. In Good Hands (2022)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

This story is all about a Girl’s true Love, Loving the one without terms and conditions. But situations don’t remain the same for everyone. Loved the relationship between a single mom and her son. They truly created beautiful moments and memories together. Melisa, a courageous single mother, and Firat, a grumpy businessman, are the subjects of this story. She has a close relationship with her son, Can. They have a closer bond than the normal stereotyped mother-son connection would suggest. Melisa learns that she has a deadly illness and only has five months left to live.

Melisa lived her life to the fullest, she is not worried about the future. Melisa is more concerned about her child’s future than she is about her own. Who will look after him? Will she pass away in peace realizing her son is secure? After she passes away, Melisa will look for someone to love and care for her kid. She meets Firat, a young, charismatic, but cranky businessman while dining out with Can, and she decides to enlist his assistance. Once they’ve met, a series of incidents from their past are coming to light and upend their lives.

11. Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? (2021)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

An eccentric elderly woman who can mentally multiply four-digit numbers precisely is the subject of an interview with two YouTubers who have put up their equipment in a retirement community. They are probably not ready to listen to her life narrative because they were probably anticipating a quick-hit human calculator would-be viral video. Nevertheless, they patiently listen to her because a movie about two jerks telling a lonely woman to STFU and just do her damn parlor trick wouldn’t be much of a movie at all. Gulseren pulls out her photo album and begins with the day of her birth in 1951. Surprisingly, even though it took place just before she was born, she seems to remember every detail of the political dispute her father and uncle have. We haven’t even discussed the firefly issue yet, so perhaps this is just a creative biographical description and should be regarded with a grain of salt.

12. Don’t Leave (2022)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

Semih, a pleasant, though the slightly disorganized, young professional artist, has a shocking wake-up call when Defne abruptly ends their live-in relationship. He spirals into self-satisfaction on the outside and self-reflection on the inside as a result of this unanticipated development — hello bleached blonde hair. Throughout Don’t Leave, Semih tries to advance, but the director Ozan Açiktan’s editing keeps taking him backward as he runs through their relationship’s high points to figure out what went wrong. While he searches for a pivotal moment or major error, Defne eventually helps him understand a far more commonplace fact about love. The presence of a strong, meaningful relationship does not automatically imply the absence of stress.

13. Love Tactics (2022)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

Kerem and Asli are doing well. They believe they are, at least. Asli is a powerful, self-assured fashion designer and blogger, and Kerem is a playboy advertising executive who exudes an astonishing amount of swagger in his office. Asli chooses to take on a man after being pushed by one of her blog readers to truly use the advice she gives to make a man fall in love with her. Similar to this, Kerem bets with his pals that he can really, truly comprehend love. As a result, the two end up meeting on a night out. They use their regular strategies, each thinking they are an expert on the other sex, but before they realize it, they are beginning to feel things for one another. Asli and Kerem each keep their respective friend groups informed about their progress and think they’re succeeding, but they’re also both afraid of realizing how close they’ve gotten. Asli and Kerem must each decide if they are willing to give up their love strategies and pursue the real thing because the truth is certain to come out at any second.

14. Fetih 1453 (2012)

English Dubbed Turkish Movies

When Muhammad, the Islamic prophet, was alive in Medina in 627 AD, the movie opens. The other sahabas are informed by Abu Ayyub that a blessed army and commander would take Constantinople. The narrative suddenly jumps to the fifteenth century. When Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih was 12 years old, his father Murad II installed him on the throne. He learns of his father’s passing while in charge of the Sanjak of Saruhan.

This causes him a great deal of sorrow and lays the path for his return to the throne following the passing of his brother Fathl IV. Sultan Mehmet was likewise 12 years old when he initially rose to the throne. Because of his intense sadness over the loss of his beloved son Mohamed, Murad II abdicated the throne and installed Mehmet after becoming smothered by the political animosity of his margraves and viziers. This position dissatisfied Grand Vizier Halil Pasha, who had significant power over the Janissaries and the state.

15. Winter Sleep (2014)

Turkish Movies

In a secluded Turkish village, a hotel owner and landlord deal with family disputes and a tenant who is late on his rent. With his young wife Nihal, with whom he has a rocky relationship, and his sister Necla, who is still reeling from her recent divorce, Aydin, a former actor, manages a small hotel in central Anatolia. The hotel transforms into a shelter in the winter as the snow starts to fall, but it also becomes an unavoidable location that feeds their resentments.

Aydin, a former actor, owns a hotel perched atop a mountain in Cappadocia in addition to other properties that he lets to residents. Compared to other individuals in the area, he lives a more ideal life. He writes columns for a local newspaper and studies the background of Turkish theatre to one day produce a book on it. He is well-educated and rich. One day, a stone shatters the window while Aydn and his aide Hidayet are driving down to the hamlet. Aydn’s renter Smail, whose rent is several months past due, invited his son Lyas to organize the party. When Hidayet confronts the father, it emerges that Aydn’s representatives had previously sent a collection agency to take Smail’s refrigerator and television, with Smail being physically assaulted by police as retaliation. Until Hamdi, Smail’s brother, steps in, the situation worsens.
