Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time. You should check out these Argentina Movies. These Argentina Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Argentina Movies

1. The Heist of the Century (2020)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Ariel Winograd

When they robbed the Banco Ro branch in Acassuso in 2006, a group of robbers carried out what is regarded as one of the most infamous and cunning bank heists in Argentina’s history.

The branch of Banco Ro in the wealthy suburb of Acassuso, Buenos Aires, was attacked by the bohemian martial arts instructor Fernando Araujo and his hand-picked four-person team on the sunny and otherwise unremarkable Friday of January 13, 2006.

After the bloody Villa Ramallo robbery, the chief negotiator, Miguel Sileo, and his heavily armed men encircle the silent two-story building as the thieves work quickly to empty dozens of safety deposit boxes filled with millions of dollars, priceless jewelry, and heavy gold bullion bars.

2. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Juan José Campanella

Benjamn Espósito, a retired federal judicial agent from Argentina, is writing a novel in 1999 and is drawing inspiration from a long-since-closed case. Liliana Coloto’s violent rape and murder are the subject of that case. Benjamn, his assistant Pablo Sandoval, and newly hired department chief Irene Menéndez-Hastings were all personally impacted by the case while Benjamn and Pablo pursued the murderer, which is why the case’s unsatisfactory conclusion has always bothered him.

Benjamin also witnessed the victim’s husband Ricardo Morales’ intense grief. Benjamin and Pablo ultimately concluded that a man named Isidoro Gómez is the true murderer, even though the police already had two other suspicions. Even while he is conscious that the novel does not place a high priority on historical truth, for him, reliving the case is more about finding closure.

He makes an effort to contact the important parties in the case, especially Irene, who is still employed by the justice department and to whom he has always been attracted but never made an effort to get to know because of the gap between their ages and social levels.

The fact that Gómez is still at large and nobody knows whether he is alive or dead is the second problem. Benjamin discovers, however, that Pablo’s assertion—made at the time—that the one emotion that cannot be changed in behavior is passion—remains true.

3. Nine Queens (2000)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Fabián Bielinsky

One early morning, Juan is seen by Marcos successfully changing a cashier’s bills before getting caught trying to do the same on the following shift. Juan is dragged from the store by Marcos, who enters and poses as a police officer.

Once they are back on the street, Marcos makes himself known as a fellow con artist with a far riskier game in mind, and he asks Juan to join him in his criminal enterprise. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appears to fall into their laps when an experienced con guy hires them to help him sell a fake set of incredibly rare and precious stamps called The Nine Queens.

Marcos’ sister Valeria, their younger brother Federico, as well as numerous criminals, scam artists, and pickpockets enter the picture as a result of the hard negotiations that follow. It becomes more and more difficult to identify who is deceiving whom as the number of scams rises.

4. Waiting for the Hearse (1985)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Alejandro Doria

Susana and Mamá Cora were having a domestic issue. The first was making some mayonnaise when she left the ingredients alone to tend to her daughter. Mamá Cora accidentally added sugar, milk, and eggs to the mixture since she recalled talking about caramel custard earlier.

This inadvertent addition infuriated Susana. Susana barges into Sergio’s home as he is preparing to welcome newly wealthy Antonio and Nora, his wife, who rose socially and monetarily in murky circumstances during Argentina’s last dictatorship, along with the traditional Sunday supper, together with his perfidious wife Elvira and their daughter Matilde.

While lunch, which consists of Sunday ravioli and Elvira’s homemade tomato sauce, burns, Mamá Cora’s future is discussed. With the women voicing their concerns and the males attempting to uphold respect for the name of their mother, no one wants to assume responsibility for the elderly woman.

5. Lost Embrace (2004)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Daniel Burman

Ariel is a young man who lacks a good sense of direction and is always in a rush. He is having an affair with an older woman named Rita, longs for his ex-girlfriend Estella, and harbors fantasies of moving to Poland, where his family originally hails from and where the Second World War was fought.

Ariel Makaroff, who is around twenty years old, dropped out of the University of Architecture in Buenos Aires and now spends his time trying to obtain his Polish passport so he can immigrate to Europe. His mother owns a lingerie store, and his brother owns an importation company.

When Ariel was a newborn, his father abandoned him to fight in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Ariel has never known why. Ariel learns the reason why his father deserted his family when his father arrives in Buenos Aires.

6. The Clan (2015)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Pablo Trapero

The plot is based on the 1980s kidnapping and murder of three of the four victims by the Buenos Aires-based Puccio family. The Puccios seem to be a normal middle-class family with hopes of rising to the upper class, hailing from the wealthy San Isidro neighborhood.

Arqumedes Puccio, the family patriarch, is joined by his wife Epifana, their eldest son Alejandro, a star rugby player, their middle son Daniel “Maguila,” who had left the country years earlier and had not kept in touch, their eldest daughter Silvia, a schoolteacher, their youngest son Guillermo, who is still in high school, and their youngest daughter Adriana, who is in middle school.

7. Burnt Money (2000)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Marcelo Piñeyro

Burnt Money is a film set in Argentina. In a notably famous footnote in the annals of Argentinian criminal history, this true narrative chronicles the turbulent romance between two men who finally turned into vicious bank robbers after falling in love. After a massive hold-up that turns violent, bank robbers Nene, Angel, and Cuervo cross the border from Argentina to Uruguay.

The three must be quiet while Angel recovers since Angel is injured. Nene and Angel are referred to as “the twins” by everyone they know due to their likeness, but they are actually in a hot homosexual relationship and are not at all related. The crew must wait for Fontana, the mastermind behind the crime, to arrange for passports before they can return to Argentina.

Cuervo chooses to go party and breach the curfew after emerging from concealment. When Nene and Angel also decide to go, Nene encounters Giselle, a prostitute, and Angel ends up fighting. Angel and Nene decide to live with Giselle after the group is forced to leave their haven.

Nene and Angel have an undeniable sexual attraction to one another, so when Nene becomes aggressive toward Giselle and pushes her out, she immediately contacts the police to inform them about the group. Soon, police are around the structure, and it seems as though Nene and Angel’s futures are already sealed.

8. Chinese Take-Away (2011)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Sebastián Borensztein

The methodical and cynical Roberto, who owns a hardware business in Buenos Aires, is a loner. Roberto has an unrequited love for his friend Mari and collects weird news from around the world as a pastime, but Roberto is constantly evasive.

While watching planes land in the airport one day, Roberto notices a Chinese man called Jun being ejected from a cab and assists the man in standing up. Jun is illiterate in Spanish and sports an address tattoo on his arm. Jun and Roberto arrive at the location, where they learn that Jun’s uncle owned the property before selling it three and a half years prior.

Jun takes Roberto to the police station, the Chinese consulate, and a Chinese neighborhood in an attempt to find his uncle, but the search is unsuccessful. After a string of occurrences, Roberto finds a delivery boy to translate for Jun, and he learns the dramatic tale of his life. Jun stays with Roberto at his home.

9. Ashes of Paradise (1997)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Marcelo Piñeyro

The respected Judge Costa Makantasis is shown falling from the Federal Courthouse in the opening scene of the movie. The body of young and attractive Ana Muro is then seen being dragged past the home where Pablo, his oldest son, lives with his two younger brothers.

The two judges start looking into the two fatalities. Costa Makantasis is quickly believed to have committed suicide. The fact that all three of Ana Muro’s sons confess to the crime, each claiming that he committed it alone and that the other two are innocent, complicates Beatriz Teller’s investigation into the case. In reality, each son faces evidence that speaks against him.

Additionally, they persuade Teller that their father was murdered and that an investigation is likewise necessary in his case. On the other side, Teller feels pressure from her bosses to provide the court overseeing Costa Makantasis’ apparent suicide in the case of the three boys. She risks her career by refusing to drop her case out of fear that a murky truth about the alleged suicide may be revealed.

10. Phase 7 (2010)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Nicolás Goldbart

Moving into an apartment block in Buenos Aires is Coco and his expectant wife Pipi. They fail to see the frightened throng around them as they argue and shop for food at the neighborhood market. When they get back to their flat, the government has quarantined it.
Coco tries to sleep through the calamity because he is too apathetic to worry about the impending epidemic, but he is soon irritated by the disruption of the Internet and television service. His next-door neighbor Horatio, a survivalist with paranoia whose fortified apartment serves as a bunker, gradually enlists Coco as an ally against other residents.

Horatio puts traps throughout the building with Coco’s assistance, and Coco falls into one of them multiple times. Coco reluctantly complies with Horatio’s requests that he wear a hazmat suit, carry a gun, and view a survival training video that implies the epidemic might be a New World Order scheme because he is still skeptical of the gravity of the situation.

11. Man Facing Southeast (1986)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Eliseo Subiela

A mysterious new patient shows up at a mental health facility. He says he is from another planet and has come to investigate how people behave. Although the alien is kind, he condemns humanity for their inhumane treatment of one another.

The patient’s understanding has an impact on the appointed psychiatrist, who is also unhappy. However, he must administer care to the patient by institutional protocol. Rantes attracts the attention of Dr. Julio Denis, a compassionate psychiatrist working through his sadness when he shows up at an Argentine mental institution.

Rantes informs Dr. Denis that he is an extraterrestrial visiting Earth to witness firsthand how humans behave irrationally. But even against Dr. Denis’s judgment, Rantes must be treated like any other patient, which creates a rift between hospital patients and personnel.

12. The Aura (2005)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Fabián Bielinsky

Esteban Espinosa, an epileptic taxidermist in Buenos Aires, is a meticulous individual who enjoys planning the ideal robbery. He accepts his friend Sontag’s invitation to go hunting in the wilderness after his wife left him.

Diana Dietrich and her husband Carlos Dietrich’s cabin is rented by them, but shortly after, there is a fight, and Sontag leaves for Buenos Aires. Esteban stays by himself and accidentally kills Dietrich while pursuing a deer close to a shed.

When Esteban opens the shed, he discovers a scheme for robbing an armored truck. As he makes his way back to the cabin, he bumps into the thieves Sosa and Montero who are looking for Dietrich. Esteban now gets the opportunity to carry out the ideal crime of his dreams.

13. Argentina, 1985 (2022)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Santiago Mitre

In the early years of the Argentine Republic’s newly formed government following the restoration of democracy in 1983, newly appointed federal chief prosecutor Julio César Strassera and his assistant, deputy prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo, oversaw the investigation and the trial against the brutal military dictatorship that had plunged Argentina into anarchy for nearly ten years.

The young solicitors and their inexperienced legal team played with fire while pursuing justice for the crimes perpetrated during the Dirty War of 1976–1983. They were given the Herculean job of imprisoning the nation’s most powerful and dangerous leaders.

14. The Substitute (2022)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Diego Lerman

The story revolves around the misadventures of a temporary teacher in the Buenos Aires suburbs, who is obliged to act after one of his students is threatened by a drug lord. Buenos Aires-based poet and critic Lucio, who is divorced, is forced to teach literature to underprivileged inner-city students as a substitute teacher.

Lucio’s father, referred to as “The Chilean” and portrayed by seasoned Chilean actor Alfredo Castro, is a prominent community leader and cafe proprietor who has ties to the mayor. In addition, El Perro, a local drug dealer with political aspirations, is a fierce rival of Lucio’s father. El Perro works with Dylan, a bright and likable student from Lucio’s class, in his kitchen.

15. The Wrath of God (2022)

Top 30 Greatest Argentina Movies of All Time

Director: Sebastián Schindel

At Kloster’s most recent book launch, the movie begins. The journalist Esteban Rey approaches him after he finishes reading and informs him that Luciana wants to meet him and that he should go there to prevent a scene.

Then, as Esteban is speaking to someone else, there is a scream, followed by a thump, and everyone scrambles to find out what happened. The scene then switches to a period of 12 years earlier, where Kloster is speaking to Luciana while she writes his remarks into the computer.

She goes on to discuss mushrooms with him, a topic he requested be explored for his books. He briefly glimpses her pants as she is telling it to him before turning his head away. Before Kloster’s daughter’s mother, Mercedes, enters and informs her she can leave, Luciana spends some time with Kloster’s daughter after they finish their task. While bathing his daughter, Kloster relaxes with his family.


16. Wild Tales (2014)

Argentina Movies

Director: Damián Szifron

The level of cynicism and terror is consistently high, however, nothing can match the flair with which its first adventure ends. An elderly couple is peacefully reading the newspaper in a suburban garden when it comes to an end. I’ve seen this movie twice, and both times the ending of that sequence caused everyone in the theatre, including me, to put our fists to our mouths and yell terrified screams.

Six distinct stories are told, each with an individual who must cross the line between civilization and barbarism while dealing with a reality that alters and becomes unpredictable all at once. The characters spiral out of control as a lover’s betrayal, a trip into the past that has been suppressed, and the brutality woven into everyday interactions cause them.

17. Heroic Losers (2019)

Argentina Movies

Director: Sebastián Borensztein

Amid Argentina’s Great Depression and with his playing days long behind him, Fermn, a retired football player, and his encouraging wife Lidia have a lofty goal: save their impoverished village of Alsina.

In light of this, the couple persuades their unfortunate friends to put their modest savings into an agricultural cooperative, only to watch them become victims of a dishonest lender and an equally opportunistic lawyer out to obtain their priceless dollars.

And if that weren’t bad enough, disaster hits as millions of people with little accounts suffer. But formerly Fermn and his friends were law-abiding, diligent citizens who hoped for a better future. They are now a group of victimized, miserable losers who only want their money back.

18. The Blonde One (2019)

Argentina Movies

Director: Marco Berger

Gabriel recently relocated to Buenos Aires’s suburbs with his coworker Juan. Gabo is shy, cautious, and hesitant to follow Juan’s roving hands and intense gazes. Gabriel recently relocated to Buenos Aires’s suburbs with his coworker Juan.

Gabo is shy, cautious, and hesitant to follow Juan’s roving hands and intense gazes. Juan’s machismo seems to be in place as more and more attractive women come flowing out of his bedroom like a revolving door. But there’s no denying the two men are attracted to one another. Initially based on location alone, a sexual relationship quickly transforms into the fascinating progression of a tender and emotional relationship that is as sweet as it is painful.

19. Azor (2021)

Argentina Movies

Director: Andreas Fontana

Yvan is a private banker from Geneva who is classy, covert, and fluent in Spanish, English, and French. He is traveling to Argentina on what seems to be an urgent diplomatic mission to calm his wealthy and shady clients.

He is doing this with his beautiful, encouraging wife Inés, whose being there is likewise meant to be soothing and convey that nothing major is wrong and that this is essentially a social call. The new political system is severely unsettling Yvan’s clientele, and it’s not only because one of them has a liberal adult daughter who has mysteriously vanished.

The extremely wealthy are concerned about the possibility of the government seizing their riches. Thoroughbred racehorses are mentioned as having “disappeared” in one of them. Even worse, these individuals were accustomed to working with Yvan’s colleague Réné, a jovial and vivacious individual who has since disappeared.

20. The Crimes That Bind (2020)

Argentina Movies

Director: Sebastián Schindel

The mother of Daniel, played by Benjamin Amadeo in this subtle movie, Alicia, played by Cecilia Roth, is blinded by her unwavering love for her 35-year-old son and is unable to even entertain the notion that he might be guilty of assault, rape, stalking, and violence against women.

The movie opens with Alicia hosting her socialite friends in their apartment in one of the most affluent areas of Buenos Aires, where she resides with her 70-year-old retired engineer husband Ignacio, played by Miguel Angel Solá, her live-in maid Gladys, played by Yanina Vila, and Gladys’s 3-year-old son Santiago, who refers to Alicia as Auntie.

Gladys is from a lowly family. She lived with her father, who neglected and abused her, in a remote forested region after her mother passed away when she was about three or four years old. Up until her teenage years, when she managed to flee to Buenos Aires with the aid of a neighbor and was employed by Alicia, she worked as an unpaid servant for her father’s second wife and her step-siblings.

21. Zama (2017)

Argentina Movies

Director: Lucrecia Martel

South American-born officer of the Spanish Crown named Zama awaits the King’s letter giving him a transfer from the town where he is stuck to a better location.

His predicament is delicate. He must prevent anything from casting a shade over his transfer. He is compelled to take every assignment submissively from succeeding Governors who come and depart while he stays there.

Officer of the Spanish Crown and magistrate Don Diego de Zama is stationed in a remote outpost in late 18th-century Argentina. Zama, though, has a dream. While living a routine, solitary life, Zama longs for promotion to show appreciation for his commitment.

22. A Common Crime (2020)

Argentina Movies

Director: Francisco Márquez

Juan and Cecilia live alone someplace in Buenos Aires. Cecilia is an academic instructor. She is startled by the knocking at the door one rainy night. She recognizes the person who assists her around the house as Kevin, Nebe’s son.

Fearful, Cecilia stays closed and hides in the shadows, listening to the sirens of the cop cars outside. The following day, she finds out through the news that Nebe and Kevin’s neighborhood has mobilized to look for the young man.

The Gendarmerie is blamed by neighbors for his disappearance before he eventually turns up dead in a river. Cecilia finds it impossible to admit that the young man was at her door that night because of her remorse and her incapacity to do so. She begins to be followed and haunted by Kevin’s “ghost” everywhere she goes.

23. 4×4 (2019)

Argentina Movies

Director: Mariano Cohn

Ciro notices an SUV-style car while out for a stroll in a neighborhood in Buenos Aires. He breaks into the vehicle, starts stealing everything inside—including the stereo—and desecrates it by urinating and passing petrol inside. However, he is unable to open the doors when he tries to leave.

When he tries to shoot his gun at the front windscreen, the bullet bounces off and hits him in the thigh. He desperately tries to escape by ripping off the door panels, but he cuts his arm trying to reach for the lock mechanism because the floor is reinforced steel.

He tries to call for assistance, but his phone dies. Ciro uses his shirt as a tourniquet to stem the bleeding, but matters worsen when he becomes overheated and has to drink the last of his Pepsi bottle to stay hydrated. When Ciro pleads for help, the woman he sees applying makeup through the car door window does not hear him. Ciro tries to lick the water on the door windows when it becomes dark because he is so thirsty.

24. Terrified (2017)

Argentina Movies

Director: Demián Rugna

Clara hears weird noises coming from the kitchen sink plughole at her Buenos Aires house. It sounds like the voices are debating a strategy to murder her. Her husband Juan is scared to discover Clara’s lifeless body floating in midair in their bathroom, constantly smashing against the wall as if thrown by an invisible force when he awakens that night to pounding sounds.

Next-door neighbor Walter is likewise being affected by paranormal events. Invisible powers shake and move his furniture, including his bed, every night as he tries to sleep. A tall, naked figure appears from underneath the bed, stands over him while he sleeps, and then hides in the closet. He uses a video camera to record the occurrences.

25. Intuition (2020)

Argentina Movies

Director: Alejandro Montiel

The plot is set in action when the two detectives are asked to look into the gruesome killing of a young woman. They quickly learn that Gloriana, their victim, was despised by the majority of the locals. The 19-year-old socialite didn’t have many allies because she had all the unsavory traits of a pampered heiress.

Pelari and Juanez’s inquiry is made more difficult by Gloriana’s unpopularity because they rapidly discover that many individuals would have been glad to see her slain. Pelari is tasked with checking into her partner, who has been accused of shooting Galvan, a young guy who killed Juanez’s wife, in addition to Gloriana’s murder.

26. La Flor (2018)

Argentina Movies

Director: Mariano Llinás

A movie that consists of six episodes connected by the same four actresses, with a variety of subplots that toy with the narrative and diverse cinematic styles. Various tales are told; in the first, an excavation releases a mummy’s curse. In the second, two singers who had been apart for a while came together to perform, and a woman injected poison, which led to a mystery conclusion.

27. My Best Friend (2018)

Argentina Movies

Director: Martín Deus

Lorenzo is a calm youngster who resides in a small town in the Patagonia region of Argentina with his parents and younger brother. One day, Cato, the son of a family friend, relocates to Lorenzo’s house in the south. His family is having a hard time and is unable to provide him with much care.

Cato is quiet and hardly speaks. He’s expected to feel at home with Lorenzo. They start to get along. They are together a lot of the time. Despite Lorenzo’s dislike of athletics, he tolerates Cato’s obsession with mountain biking.

They also have in-depth discussions. Despite their often stark differences, they eventually understand one another. It won’t take long for everyone at home to realize that Cato is a challenging case. Lorenzo’s parents decide they’ve had enough after a few days.

But then Cato comes clean to Lorenzo with a major confession. He explains to him the real reason he was compelled to leave his home. After that, Lorenzo assumes control over him to secure his parents’ permission to keep him. He now has a secret to keep, a duty to fulfill, and a challenging partner who will accompany him on new experiences in life.

28. Esteros (2016)

Argentina Movies

Director: Papu Curotto

A wonderful, poetic film that depicts the reunion of two young men who were childhood friends and who had their sexual awakening together. Childhood friends Matías and Jerónimo reach adolescence and experience sexual attraction to each other, before being separated by circumstances. Later, as young adults, they meet again, and the film follows themes of complicated relationships and sexual tensions, as well as issues of internalized homophobia.

29. Carancho (2010)

Argentina Movies

Director: Pablo Trapero

Every year, there are more than 8,000 traffic fatalities in Argentina. There is a thriving industry built on insurance payouts and legal snares that is responsible for each of these catastrophes.

Sosa is a lawyer who visits police stations and the A&E departments of public hospitals in search of possible customers.

Young doctor Luján just relocated from the countryside. Luján and Sosa first cross paths in the street one evening, which begins their love tale. He wants to add him to his client roster, and she is attempting to save his life.

30. The Official Story (1985)

Argentina Movies

Director: Luis Puenzo

The movie takes place in Argentina in 1983, the last year of the nation’s military dictatorship, when a campaign of state-sponsored terrorism resulted in thousands of killings and acts of torture of both innocent bystanders and suspected political leftists who were buried in unmarked graves or disappeared.

High school history teacher Alicia Maquet and her husband, government official Roberto Ibaez, reside in Buenos Aires with their 5-year-old adopted daughter, Gaby. Alicia, like other upper-middle-class Argentines, has no idea how much bloodshed and suffering have occurred there and foolishly thinks that only criminals are detained.
