Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time. You should check out these Russian Series. These Russian Series will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Russian Series

1. Catherine the Great (TV Series 2019)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Colin Bucksey

The series is a historical and satirical black comedy-drama that follows Catherine the Great as she goes from being an outsider to having the longest reign of any woman in Russian history.

The fictional television series centers on the conspiracy to assassinate Catherine’s evil and dangerous husband and depicts Catherine in her childhood and marriage to Russian Emperor Peter III. When a royal woman marries an emperor and moves to rural Russia in the 18th century, she is forced to decide between her happiness and the destiny of Russia.

2. Better Than Us (TV Series 2018)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Andrey

An advanced robot that is wanted by a firm, homicide investigators, and terrorists is acquired by a family that is ready to disintegrate. Robots are an everyday part of life in 2029; they act as personal drivers, security guards, and even lovers.

The majority of the time, “Bots” are essentially mindless machines that perform menial chores, but gradually they learn to have emotions. A group of rebels known as “The Liquidators” reject robot society and are willing to use human blood to defeat the machines. When AI bots get advanced enough to the point where they can feel and “think,” a battle between terrorist, corporate, and rebel forces over a particular bot develops quickly in Russia.

3. To the Lake (TV Series 2019)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Pavel Kostomarov

Moscow turns into a city of the dead due to an unknown infection. Those that are still uninfected are frantically competing for food and gasoline because there is no electricity and money has lost all of its value. With the woman he loves and her autistic kid, the main character, Sergei, lives outside of the city. There is still safety.

Despite her hatred for Sergei, he hurries to Moscow to save his ex-wife and their children. These people, who never thought they’d live together again, must put the past behind them and go on an arduous, perilous voyage up north in search of a remote hunting lodge on a barren island.

A family drama set amid a catastrophe is The Outbreak. It is one of the earliest post-apocalyptic television programs in Russia and is based on Yana Vagner’s best-selling novel Vongozero, which has been published in eleven languages.

4. Gold Diggers (TV Series 2019)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Konstantin Bogomolov

Set in the opulent social elite society of Russia, where money rules everything. Until a dramatic change of events, Marina Levkoeva seemed to have it all as a socialite and the mistress of a successful businessman. Our days in Moscow. The metropolis of extravagant luxury and passion, beautiful ladies and affluent men, social gatherings, and risky intrigues.

The chief social matchmaker deftly links the attractive girls to safe hands as they dream of entering the world of glamour, flowing silks, and brilliant jewelry. A mysterious and horrible tragedy will completely alter Dasha’s plans for a new, better life after she moves to the city from the provinces.

5. The Method (TV Series 2015)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Yuriy Bykov

A young, aspirational law enforcement graduate is overjoyed when her hero hires her as a trainee. But his approaches aren’t at all what she had anticipated. The main character is an amazing and enigmatic individual who excels as an inspector. Rodion typically works alone to maintain the mystery of his novel approach.

Esenya Steklova, a recent graduate, is delighted to begin her internship with the illustrious investigator, but she had no idea what difficulties she would experience while working with Rodion. Together, they look into some of the most heinous acts committed in Russian criminal history.

A mentally sick, sociopath investigator takes on a young female trainee to teach her how to investigate crimes, particularly those that are more horrifying, serial, unsolved, and complex. A universe where crime, morality, law, and death coexist with many types of interpersonal connections and teachings about love, hate, friendship, forgiveness, decisions, and murder.

6. Law of the Lawless (TV Series 2002)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Aleksey Sidorov

The most formidable gang in Moscow was created by a group of four childhood friends known as Brigada. They first conducted business together, but an unexpected murder caused them to become a gang. There is no turning back now that their lives are in danger.

7. Sniffer (TV Series 2013)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Artyom Litvinenko

The Sniffer, the main character of the show, is a man with an exceptionally acute sense of smell who uses it to look into crimes by identifying minute amounts of different substances. Alongside him at work is Viktor Lebedev, an agent with the Special Bureau of Investigations and a buddy from their youth. He is known as the Sniffer.

He would prefer to remain to himself and is the proud owner of a keen sense of smell. He also knows things about you that you don’t. Don’t mistrust his remarkable abilities—he’ll find a needle in a haystack and sniff out the truth from you! His sense of smell, however, is both a blessing and a curse.

8. Catherine the Great (TV Series 2019)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Igor Zaytsev

The history of Catherine the Great starts with her arrival in Russia as the spouse of the Russian prince apparent. The early years of the famous Russian empress served as a prologue to her ascent to power. Get ready to experience her first 20 years in Russia, which were filled with court intrigues, power conflicts, and unconditional love for her nation.

The first episode of the series takes place when Catherine the Great ascended to the throne when she was in her early thirties. She is, however, portrayed in the series as an older woman in her sixties. Helen Mirren is a talented actress, but she ought to have been chosen to play the elder Catherine in the upcoming seasons of the show.

9. Happy Together (TV series 2006)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Aleksandr Anurov

The Bukins reside in a box on the top level of a small building instead of a home, while the Stepanovs/Polenos reside in the box next to theirs.

The layout of the Bukins’ flat resembles that of the Bundys’ home, except for the absence of a cellar, the absence of a backdoor, the garage being in a separate building rather than next to the house, and the use of a balcony in place of the garden before the start of the series.

The Bukins’ apartment is a mess because of unfinished repairs to the house, and in the early episodes of the show, a poorly located work site outside allowed people—as well as Baron, the family dog—to enter and exit the apartment through the balcony.

10. Sparta (TV Series 2018)

Top 30 Greatest Russian Series of All Time

Director: Egor Baranov

A seasoned investigator is drawn into the world of a high-stakes virtual reality game while looking into the inexplicable death of a teacher. Sparta is an unstructured game, life will change as a result of playing the game because the virtual world has invaded borders and become a regular part of our lives.

11. The Golden Horde (TV Series 2014)

Russian Series

Director: Timur Alpatov

The conclusion of the thirteenth century. Mengu-Temir, a dashing connoisseur of female beauty and emissary of the Golden Horde, arrives in Russia’s capital. In exchange for Grand Duke Yaroslav returning princess Ustinia, the bride of his brother Boris, he is willing to settle for only a portion of the thousands of Russian warriors he originally intended to steal for the Horde.

Yaroslav is not prepared to transgress the precepts of Faith and Honour, but Boris is doing it on his initiative in the hopes that this sacrifice will secure his rightful place on the princely throne. Ustinya travels to a foreign country in a caravan. Young Nargiz, the prince’s “gift” from the Great Khan, awakens Yaroslav and forces him to make a crucial decision.

12. Trotsky (TV Series 2017)

Russian Series

Director: Alexander Kott

The Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky reminisces about earlier periods of his life, with events during the years of his asylum in Mexico City (1939–1940) serving as a backdrop. In May 1940, a group of Mexican Communists posing as police officers raided the home of Leon Trotsky, the former leader of the Russian Revolution, in the suburbs of Mexico City.

Trotsky and his wife are still alive through an amazing coincidence. After losing nearly all of his family and friends over the eleven years of exile, Trotsky realizes that Stalin will pursue him until the end of his days. For the first time, he resolves to write a political will to fully and honestly describe how a member of an oppressed minority came to be a prophet of a new age and topple an empire.

13. Addicted (TV Series 2018)

Russian Series

Director: Ivan Kitaev

The story is about Yana, a wealthy drug and alcohol addict. Her life is changed by meeting Ilya, a psychologist. The most incredible Russian television program ever. All of the actors and creators of this work of art are incredibly gifted. There isn’t a single strong character in the series that takes a stand that isn’t pitiful. Flipping like a tumbler all the time. The performance is good, but fewer characters could have been added to the series to balance it out.

14. The Adjutant of His Excellency (TV Series 1969)

Russian Series

Director: Yevgeni Tashkov

Martin Latsis assigns Pavel Andreevitch Koltsov, a Reds agent, to lead the Cheka in the Volunteer Army in the spring of 1919. He and several other White officers are taken prisoner by Evgeniy Angel’s while they are traveling.

When the opportunity arises, Koltsov seizes the weapons, and the officers, along with two other prisoners of Angel’s Red Army, break out into combat. Koltsov is appointed as Commander Vladimir Kovalevsky Zenonovich’s adjutant after learning about the escape.

Koltsov conducts multiple clandestine missions while passing every test related to his legendary position and refusing to yield to counterintelligence’s provocations. The daughter of Colonel Shchukin Thani, head of counterintelligence, is the subject of a romantic subplot that Pavel Koltsov advances.

15. Dva holma (TV Series 2022)

Russian Series

Director: Dmitry Gribanov

Women will experience grief (for a little period), and then they will come together to build a better society with eco-towns, renewable energy, the opportunity to pursue any passion, science, biohacking, yoga, and self-improvement. In the modern world, reproduction is now accomplished through artificial insemination, and all babies are female.


16. Mata Hari (TV Series 2016)

Russian Series

Director: Julius Berg

The amazing factual account of a remarkable woman. The epic drama Mata Hari follows the incredible life of the notorious spy, exotic dancer, and courtesan Mata Hari. Mata Hari was a well-known performer and dancer to her audiences. She was the alluring yet mysterious seductress to her affluent lovers.

She was a valuable and dependable informant who was revealed to be a double agent by the German and French intelligence services. Few people, however, have ever seen Margaret Zelle, the actual Mata Hari.

Margaret, who was raised in poverty, overcame a personal family tragedy and an unhappy marriage to become the most divisive woman of her time. She cannot forget the daughter who was snatched from her, despite her fame and money. Using her body, thoughts, or information, Margaret tries to gain the favor of anybody who can aid her in her desperate quest to be reunited with her kid.

Margaret isn’t sure which side she is on anymore as the globe spirals into conflict and the stakes rise above anything she could have ever imagined. She is unable to escape from the act that has become her life.

17. Flint. Redemption (TV Series 2012)

Russian Series

Director: Vladimir Epifantsev

André Shamanov has become less hesitant to murder low-level police officers and grunts. This can be due to the darker themes present. Helping the evil plots of the season two opponents was significantly worse than participating in bribery, corruption, and the occasional attack in season one.

The novices were therefore involved in something far more dubious. While practicing in the mountains, where some smugglers are hiding, a member of a special squad inexplicably passes away. Andrey needs to leave retirement to look into the matter.

Former major Andrey Shamanov seeks to lead a normal life after many years of military service. But even his beloved Nastya can’t stop him from accepting a risky mission to look into the circumstances behind the death of the SMU group, who were practicing in the mountains when a gang of smugglers was hiding out. Andrey will confront difficult challenges as he works on this case because the perpetrators tried to extort him and kidnap his beloved.

18. Project ‘Anna Nikolaevna’ (TV Series 2020)

Russian Series

Director: Aleksandr Karpilovskiy

An artificial police officer was developed by Russian scientists. Captain Anna Nikolaevna Korolkevich, who is perfect in every way, serves in a small town to experience real life and develop as a person. Nothing portends bad luck until humanization goes too far, but coworkers believe Anna Nikolaevna is the Deputy Minister’s daughter.

19. Pishcheblok (TV Series 2021)

Russian Series

Director: Svyatoslav Podgaevskiy

A peaceful existence exists in the summer camp on the Volga, with morning exercises, scary stories around the campfire, and first loves, while the 1980 Summer Olympics rumble through Moscow. However, evil does not rest: it appears that some of the early settlers were vampires. Will Valery, a typical Soviet kid, be able to tell the difference between the living and the dead in a society where lies and boredom rule?

20. Not Born Beautiful (TV Series 2005)

Russian Series

Director: Alexander Nazarov

A plain-looking girl named Katya works as a secretary for the Zimaletto firm, which makes wedding gowns and uniforms. She hasn’t yet been noticed by a man, but she doesn’t let her attractiveness stop her from fantasizing about finding love and happiness.

The tale of Katya, a young woman employed as a secretary by ZIMALETTO. She was endowed by Mother Nature with a keen mind, a lovely character, and a pure soul, yet no guy has yet shown interest in her.

She unattractive appearance doesn’t, however, stop her from daydreaming about happiness and love. She tries to survive, confident in her exceptional inner beauty and high qualifications, but the harsh society that unfairly criticizes appearances is unfair to her.

21. Klim (TV series 2016)

Russian Series

Director: Karen Oganesyan

Klim is a Detective Chief Inspector in the Saint Petersburg Police Department’s Serious Crime Unit. Klim, a devoted police officer, is violently fixated on certain things and can occasionally be hazardous. He has, however, paid a high price for his commitment because he has never been able to keep himself from becoming engulfed by the evil of the crimes he deals with. He always puts the job first. He and those near him experience both blessings and curses as a result of his passion.

22. The Monastery (TV Series 2022)

Russian Series

Director: Aleksandr Molochnikov

Maria is enchanting and impulsive. She doesn’t accept no as an answer and can’t go a day without engaging in some unsafe activity. Maria entices Angelina, the dangerous and powerful billionaire’s wife, to a party with some shady males while on vacation with an affluent couple in Dubai.

Her partner is gone, a sensational film of their previous night’s antics has been posted online, and Angelina’s husband Nikolai is enraged and wants her killed when she awakens on her own the next morning.

Maria spends her last remaining funds on a flight to her native country because she has nowhere else to go because she is in a foreign country, only to find that Nikolai’s people have already arrived and are waiting for her. Following a near-death experience, she finds herself in a distant monastery in the north, the only place where no one will be looking for her. However, the longer Maria stays in her new sanctuary, the more she affects everyone in the area.

23. Silver Spoon (TV Series 2014)

Russian Series

Director: Igor Tverdokhlebov

The aimless pleasure-seeking son of a wealthy and influential Russian was detained for street racing while under the influence of narcotics across Moscow’s streets. His father uses his influence to prevent a harsh sentence, and as a last resort, he is forced to work with the police for a year while receiving on-the-job training or risk losing his inheritance.

Conflicts start to develop right away since the rich lad the police threw into their close-knit squad does not take his job seriously and his Corvette is frequently vandalized. His commanding officer is a woman, which only makes matters worse.

He eventually settles down, starts to enjoy his job as a police officer, and very gradually starts to get along with the other policemen. As he pursues the truth behind his mother’s apparent suicide, there is conflict in the form of a love triangle involving him, the female Captain, and another officer.

24. Children of the Arbat (TV series 2004)

Russian Series

Director: Andrei Andreyevich Eshpai

The story of Rybakov’s trilogy is closely followed throughout the series. It relates the tale of Sasha Pankratov, a student and devoted Komsomol member from Moscow’s Arbat neighborhood, who is wrongfully banished to Siberia.

The novel is set in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. The series depicts the growing terror and suspicion that engulfed Moscow in the years leading up to Sergey Kirov’s murder and the beginning of Stalin’s Great Purge as Sasha’s family and friends, notably his love interest Varya Ivanova, struggle with his unexpected arrest and departure.

25. Love in Chains (TV Series 2019)

Russian Series

Director: Feliks Gerchikov

Katerina Verbitskaya was nurtured like a noblewoman by her godmother Anna Chervinskaya, she was just Peter Chervinsky’s property in the eyes of the public. She falls in love with Alexey Kosach, a nobleman who has no idea of her background. The serf maid will face many obstacles on her journey to love and freedom.

26. The Terrible (TV Series 2020)

Russian Series

Director: Viktor Sukhorukov

The character most frequently addressed in Russian history is Ivan the Terrible. Ivan is also the Russian Czar whose identity is still the subject of the greatest mystery. A more nuanced understanding of his nature was never possible because of the scope of his political accomplishments and the unmatched savagery that became part of mythology.

The series is a modest attempt to explore the mysterious maze of Ivan IV’s soul and comprehend the causes of his acts. 1571. After a furious raid by the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey, Moscow was destroyed. Ivan the Terrible started writing a biography after concluding that his reign had ended. He recalls his early orphanhood, the Boyars’ humiliation, friends who turned into adversaries, and enemies who he was ruthless towards.

He is unable to escape his recollections of his wife Anastasia, with whom he shared the happiest years of his life and whose love he spent the formative years of his reign. He overcame Kazan, built a new army, instituted new legal principles, and produced an heir. However, the shining reign is soon over the beloved wife passes away, the heir dies, and one by one the once-faithful advisors begin to betray him. Russian dictator Ivan IV eventually reincarnates as the same Ivan the Terrible.

27. Happy End (TV Series 2021)

Russian Series

Director: Evgeniy Sangadzhiev

The show follows the adventures of a young couple who decide to broadcast their sexual attraction to the world through a Webcam. They are outsiders who were reluctant to express their emotions before they fell in love in their 20s.

He has a porn addiction, social anxiety, and a penchant for staying in on days off. She suffers anxiety, is not fully conscious of her body, and has never had an orgasm.

28. Peter the Great: The Testament (TV Series 2011)

Russian Series

Director: Vladimir Bortko

The movie portrays the tale of Peter the Great’s final years as a king. He seems ill, lonely, and deeply concerned about people who emigrate. To guarantee the kingdom for the succeeding monarch, he desires to marry a princess before passing away. After the emperor’s death, his former allies are no longer loyal to him and are just interested in their future and fate.

29. Container (TV Series 2021)

Russian Series

Director: Aleksey Lyapichev

Sasha works as a surrogate mother for a living. She relocates with her new clients instead of staying in her old flat till the baby is born. In the home of wealthy government official Vadim and his wife Marina, she discovers herself in a very different setting.

Sasha is just their new toy and a “container” to them. However, what was meant to be a secure method of raising the unborn kid ends up being a test for everyone concerned. Unattractive secrets are concealed underneath the elite’s opulent exterior.

Sasha too has a secret. The 2021 MIP Drama Awards, a yearly premium drama showcase that gives international buyers an exclusive first look at a curated selection of the most anticipated series in development around the world, chose Container.

30. Interny (TV Series 2010)

Russian Series

Director: Dina Shturmanova

Doctor Andrei Bykov’s life in this famous Russian sitcom has just gotten a lot harder because he now has to teach four naive interns how to become professionals, even though he hates every one of them for various reasons. Four interns serve as the major protagonists in this comedy.

They frequently find themselves in absurd circumstances, which their boss enjoys watching. Dr. Kupitman aids his pal Bykov in driving the interns crazy as chief medical officer Anastasia attempts to control the commotion.
