Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time

Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time. You should check out these Zimbabwe Movies. These Zimbabwe Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Zimbabwe Movies

1. Neria (1991)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Godwin Mawuru

A great African movie with an original soundtrack and a supporting performance by Oliver Mtukudzi, Zimbabwe’s iconic World Music star, that has touched a nerve that runs throughout the continent. Neria and Patrick work and make a living in the city, and they lead contemporary egalitarian lifestyles.

However, once Patrick is killed in an accident, his family employs a customary Shona practice to take Neria’s possessions and offspring. In the first scene of the movie, Neria and Patrick live a contemporary city life with their two kids. Patrick’s mother convinces the couple to stay at home rather than in the suburbs, where they would be separated from the rest of the family when they visit their family in the country.

Patrick disagrees, claiming that his and Neria’s life belongs in the suburb where they have a house they built. When Patrick’s automobile won’t start in the city and he needs to get to work, he rides his bicycle as a substitute. He is killed instantly when a truck strikes his bicycle while he is riding home from work.

2. Flame (1996)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Ingrid Sinclair

Marian Kunonga and Ulla Mahaka, are two Zimbabwean women who met by chance and remembered their roles as independence fighters twenty years previously. In the 1970s in what is now Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia: Native Americans are rebelling against the oppressors who are white. The two companions Florence and Nyasha join the battle when it reaches even the farthest communities, going by the new identities Flame and Liberty. But the war is more difficult than they anticipated.

3. Cook Off (2017)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Tomas Brickhill

Anesu, a single mother, must overcome the disdain of her mother and the competitiveness of professional chefs when her son secretly enters her in a reality television cooking competition. Throughout the competition, she also discovers love. When her son joins Anesu, a single mother, in a reality TV contest, her life is completely flipped upside down. A novel perspective on modern Harare, Zimbabwe, as seen through the eyes of a vintage romantic comedy.

4. Everyone’s Child (1996)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Tsitsi Dangarembga

When their uncle steals the plough they need to survive after losing their parents, two teenagers, Tamari and Itai, become food insecure. Itai departs for Harare, leaving Tamari in the hamlet to look after their younger brother and sister as their busy neighbours neglect them. Finally, several of the neighbours become aware of the situation and band together to help the kids.

The film tracks the rapid transition of two children into the world of adult responsibility while focusing on the growing issue of children living in poverty, particularly as a result of AIDS. Following the passing of both parents, Itayi and Tamari are devastated, abandoned by family and friends, and left with nothing. Itayi, who is frustrated and in despair, decides to try his luck in the big city while leaving Tamari behind to take care of her younger siblings and herself.

5. Yellow Card (2000)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: John Riber

A young football star is forced to face the harsh realities of unprotected sex. Junior in high school, Tiyane has a bright future. He has a solid family, is an excellent student, and is quickly rising to the top of the football world. However, he is also growing older and taking on adult responsibilities, which he might not be able to manage. Due to Tiyane’s tomcatting with Linda, unintended consequences may arise that could damage his relationship with Juliet, the woman he truly loves.

6. Gonarezhou: The Movie (2020)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Sydney Taivavashe

A young man named Zulu who experiences several setbacks and joins a poaching group is the subject of the movie. How can you survive in a remote community where there are few people and lots of animals? Zulu, a rustic, educated man, must constantly fight for his life. He imagines himself to be a famous musician. In actuality, he is a depressed alcoholic.

He needs to determine his fate, how to care for his dying mother, and how to fulfill his goal. He is forced into the arms of poachers who become the family of his fury towards life. They operate as an infamous group of poachers under the command of a ruthless tycoon. In the middle of the chaos, Zulu finds love in Thulo.

7. Tanyaradzwa (2005)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Tawanda Gunda Mupengo

Tanyaradzwa, an attractive and clever 18-year-old affluent family, becomes pregnant at school and is found guilty of keeping the pregnancy a secret from her parents for nine months. When her parents learn that she has given birth to a boy, they are ashamed and drive her away. The baby’s father is then sought by Tanya.

Tanyaradzwa is a bright, sociable young woman from a wealthy, devoted family. Life appears to be perfect until one evening after dinner when the birth of a child reveals her nine-month secret. Her parents dig up old bones and vent their anger on one another after feeling misled. Tanya runs away in search of the baby’s bad playboy father, Marlon, unable to handle the shame of destroying her family.

Ajira, Marlon’s tough-talking cousin, is her lone companion and advises her to sell her body but not her soul to survive. Throughout this colorful journey of a naive, desperate, and too-young mother, family, friendship, loyalty, and social morality exhibit their true colors.

8. Blood Diamond (2006)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Edward Zwick

Archer, a man who is tormented by his roots, is the subject of a narrative. With a keen sense of survival, he has established himself as a major figure in the conflict diamond industry. In Sierra Leone, political turmoil is rife as individuals brawl with one another.

Archer’s life is drastically changed when he meets Solomon and the lovely Maddy because he is given the chance to end the war going on all around him. Solomon Vandy, a fisherman in Sierra Leone in 1999, has a dream about his son Dia Vandy one day being a doctor. When the rebels seize his hamlet and take him to work in the diamond mines, his dreams are dashed.

The commandant of the rebels notices Solomon hiding a big pink diamond, but the rebels are ambushed, and the government force captures Solomon. When the wounded commandant in prison reveals to the other inmates that Salomon discovered the stone, the mercenary smuggler Danny Archer of Zimbabwe frees Salomon and offers to trade the diamond for the missing family’s missing members.

Danny finds Salomon’s wife and daughters in a refugee camp with the help of idealistic American journalist Maddy Bowen but learns that his son has joined the rebels. Salomon searches for his kid and finds him, while Danny searches for the diamond and finds repentance, solidifying their alliance.

9. Mugabe and the White African (2009)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Andrew Thompson, Lucy Bailey

Michael Campbell, a white farmer in Zimbabwe who is 75 years old, defends his rights against a repressive regime. Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe, implemented the divisive “Land Reform” policy, which drove the majority of white farmers out of the nation and gave their land to inexperienced government employees.

Campbell, however, is adamant about protecting his farm (as well as the black employees and residents who live there) and takes his case to an international court. In 2008, Mike Campbell, one of the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe who had resisted the violent “Land Reform” program, took the historic step of accusing President Robert Mugabe and his administration of racial discrimination and human rights violations before the SADC International Court. In addition to 500 black workers and their families, Campbell’s farm also served as a home for them.

10. Albino (1976)

Zimbabwe Movies

Director: Jürgen Goslar

An albino terrorist who raped and killed his fiancée was the target of a colonial police officer’s manhunt in Rhodesia. When a robbery in New Orleans goes wrong, the erratic thief Dova flees with his friends to a sleazy club close by. The criminals exchange insults with the barmaid Janet Boudreaux while they apprehend everyone inside. But as the police surround the establishment, it turns out that they were already there watching Guy Foucard, a patron who is thought to be an illegal arms dealer.


11. Cry Freedom (1987)

Director: Richard Attenborough

After attempting to look into his friend and Black anti-Apartheid activist Steve Biko’s death while being held in detention, South African journalist Donald Woods is compelled to leave the country. The top editor of the liberal daily “Daily Dispatch” in South Africa is Donald Woods. He has penned several opinions that are critical of Denzel Washington’s Steve Biko.

But after initially getting to know him, he modifies his viewpoint. Since they frequently interact, the Security Police pay a close eye on Woods and his family. He creates a book about Steve Biko when Biko passes away while in police custody. The only way Woods can have it published is to flee the country against the law.

12. Killing Heat (1981)

Director: Michael Raeburn

The movie is set in apartheid-era South Africa in the 1960s. Dick Turner, a farmer, marries Mary, a city woman. Mary moves to Dick’s troubled farm, leaving the familiarity of her luxurious city life behind. Mary treats the African farm workers harshly and impolitely because she lacks experience managing Africans as servants or employees.

Mary goes away by herself (to the town of Livingstone, crossing the Victoria Falls bridge by train—taking her into what was pre-1964 Northern Rhodesia), only to discover that she is unable to get her previous work back, has nowhere to seek refuge permanently, and has no way to sustain herself financially. She goes back to the ranch. Mary gradually becomes nuts and violates the Rhodesian taboo of excessive inter-racial contact with Moses, an African houseboy.

Dick chooses to remove Mary from the farm when she and Moses are unintentionally caught by a recently hired farm manager engaging in what would be called liberties. Moses kills Mary amid a downpour after learning of her impending departure. Moses is handcuffed and taken into custody by the police.

13. Her Name Is Carla (2005)

Director: Jay Anania

There is sexual tension and criminality as a result of two strangers’ refusal to leave a couple’s coastal property. a complex psychological puzzle. Carla wants a child more than anything, but Bill is infertile. She runs with a mystery couple named Molly and Jack who are on vacation in town from New York.

She feels an instant attraction to Jack and extends an invitation for them to spend the night with them. Although Bill develops a suspicion of them, his good judgment is clouded by his attraction to the mysterious Molly. He is teased and led on by Molly, who insists that they have already met.

Jack and Carla’s sexual connection is intense at the same time. Their flirting turns into a wild midnight stroll and passionate in-the-woods romance. Their mood changes as they get back to the house, making it obvious that their appearance could not have been a coincidence.

Bill is given a bizarre and sexy story by Molly that was written by her Carla-named daughter, who is 10 years old. Bill demands that this insulting, wicked couple leave their home after growing frustrated and disturbed. The visitors will return after Bill and Carla have gone to bed, resulting in a heartbreaking act of savage brutality.

14. Africa Express (1975)

Director: Michele Lupo

A mystery nun is helped to flee the clutches of a violent ivory and animal trafficker by a goods dealer in southern Africa. A free-spirited merchant of products in Africa named John Baxter has a pet chimpanzee and one goal in mind: to accumulate enough cash to buy the petrol station of his dreams in Detroit. He encounters a mysterious woman named Madeleine Cooper as she runs away from big game hunter Jack Palance.

15. The Lost World (1960)

Director: Timothy Bond

A journalist, a young, affluent woman, and a teenage kid accompany two rival academics as they journey through Africa in pursuit of “The Lost World,” a region where dinosaurs still exist. Edward Malone, a young reporter eager for a challenging assignment, is shown in the movie’s opening scene.

Professor Challenger, an adventurer, and scholar who thinks he is on the trail of the “lost world,” an enigmatic location in Central Africa, is the subject of Malone’s interview assignment. The only thing Challenger has to show for the location is a photograph of a cliff and an odd animal that resembles a pterodactyl.

16. Alien from L.A. (1988)

Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time

Director: Rusty Lemorande, Albert Pyun

When a nerdy young woman with a childlike voice travels to Africa in search of her missing archaeologist father, she accidentally discovers a fascinating underground culture. Social misfit nerd When Wanda Saknussemm’s lover breaks up with her because she lacks an adventurous spirit, she is distraught.

Her father, an archaeologist, has vanished while on an expedition in North Africa, she has later learned. She sets out to rescue her absent father and soon discovers herself in a strange underground realm where peculiar underworld creatures believe she is a secret agent and want her killed.

Wanda discovers an inner power she was unaware she possessed before her arrival and thwarts them at every opportunity. She won’t ever find her father again, or even see the light of day in sunny Malibu if the inhabitants of the underworld get their way.

17. King Solomon’s Mines (1985)

Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time

Director: J. Lee Thompson

Allan Quatermain has been engaged by Jesse Huston to locate her father, who is thought to have gotten lost while on a search for the famous King Solomon’s Mines. He travels across an uncharted land with the enigmatic Umbopo as his companion, believing the map to be accurate.

It turns out that Professor Huston has been taken prisoner by a German military expedition on the same mission, under the command of Bockner, a bald, single-minded Colonel, and Dogati, a cruel Turkish slave trader and adventurer who has long been Quatermain’s enemy. Another map that is deemed to be authentic that Huston is being pushed to analyze.

The two competing expeditions collide frequently as they follow each other, but Quatermain’s team can save Professor Huston, who affirms the existence of the mines and begs Quatermain to prevent Bockner and Dogati from discovering them. They finally penetrate the Kukuana tribe’s tribal territory, where they are captured after several terrifying encounters with both the Germans and some of the local native tribes.

The malevolent priestess Gagoola, who has Quatermain suspended upside-down over a pond teeming with crocodiles, is in charge of the tribe. When everything looks lost, Umbopo shows up and, after beating Gagoola’s troops in battle, admits that he is an exiled tribal chief and the Kukuanas’ legitimate king.

18. A World Apart (1988)

Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time

Director: Chris Menges

The oldest of Gus and Diana Roth’s three children, Molly Roth, 13, leads a carefree existence as a wealthy white minority in South Africa. She doesn’t think about race since even though the Roths mostly live with other white families during apartheid, she is equally at ease with the black people in her life, including their servants and her parents’ black friends.

Molly is only vaguely aware of the extent of her parents’ work, which includes Ruth, an anti-apartheid journalist, and Gus, a prominent member of the South African Communist Party, who also secretly supports the banned African National Congress.

When Diana is imprisoned for 90 days under a new law that permits such detention without ever even being charged with a crime, Molly’s carefree life quickly comes crashing down. This occurs shortly after Gus quietly flees the country to avoid probable government arrest, which Molly mistakenly thought was just a brief business trip.

19. Itinerary of a Spoiled Child (1988)

Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time

Director: Claude Lelouch

A prosperous businessman in his fifties decides to leave his family and the empire he has created to pursue the freedom he longs for, not realizing that life’s plans frequently change in the funniest ways. An unattended three-year-old boy sobs uncontrollably while holding a handwritten letter in a small-town funfair on a dreary day.

The same youngster will begin a profession as an adventurous trapeze acrobat as the years go by, and before long, he will achieve the pinnacle by becoming the biggest in his craft. A successful guy with a family, money, and notoriety will leave his company and his existing way of life and embark on a lone journey of self-discovery over the wide savannahs of Africa, never to return.

There, the most unlikely friendship will begin, and after two years of being thought to be gone, a spark will rekindle, making him discover that, even after doing and seeing everything there is to see in life, one may still be pleasantly surprised by what it has to give.

20. Gringo Troublemaker (2013)

Top 30 Greatest Zimbabwe Movies of All Time

Director: Ben Mahaka

A young man seeks the assistance of a traditional healer to make quick money to impress his lover. Unfortunately, he meets Gringo by mistake, and his mischief ruins everything he had planned.

Producers of the movie adaptation of the popular television drama series Gringo the Troublemaker have voiced their displeasure over their losses as a result of piracy.
