The 10 Best Mauritania Movies You Should Watch

The 10 Best Mauritania Movies You Should Watch. You should check out these Mauritania Movies. These Mauritania Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Mauritania Movies

1. The Mauritanian (2021)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Kevin Macdonald

This is the factual narrative of Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s quest for liberty, as chronicled in the NY Times best-selling memoir “Guantánamo Diary.” Slahi was detained and incarcerated without charge by the U.S. Government for an extended period.

Despite being alone and apprehensive, he found support in defense attorney Nancy Hollander and her colleague Teri Duncan, who engaged in a legal battle with the U.S. government to secure justice for their client.

Their contentious advocacy, coupled with evidence unearthed by military prosecutor Lt. Colonel Stuart Couch, revealed startling truths and ultimately demonstrated that the human spirit cannot be imprisoned. This story tests the attorneys’ dedication to the law and their clients at every turn. – Mauritania Movies

2. Timbuktu (2014)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Abderrahmane Sissako

In the vicinity of the historic Malian city of Timbuktu, a cattle herder and his family lead a tranquil existence amidst the dunes. Kidane, the proud head of the household, resides with his wife Satima, their daughter Toya, and Issan, their twelve-year-old shepherd.

Meanwhile, the local populace in the town is subjected to a reign of terror imposed by the Jihadists, who are determined to assert their control over the community’s religious beliefs. The Jihadists have banned music, laughter, cigarettes, and even soccer, while the women have been relegated to the shadows, though they continue to resist with dignity.

Each day, the improvised courts mete out tragic and absurd sentences. Despite the chaos that prevails in Timbuktu, Kidane and his family have thus far been spared. However, their fate takes an abrupt turn. – Mauritania Movies

3. Oh, Sun (1967)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Med Hondo

A Mauritanian native was elated upon being selected to work in Paris, with hopes of leveraging the experience to improve his quality of life. Despite his education, he encountered significant challenges in securing employment and housing.

He observed a pervasive racial bias, with black individuals relegated to manual labor while less qualified white individuals received preferential treatment.

Even a dinner with a progressive white acquaintance exposed a lingering colonialist mindset toward developing nations. Disheartened, the individual retreated to the woods, where he heard the distant beat of jungle drums beckoning him back to his warm and welcoming homeland. – Mauritania Movies

4. Waiting for Happiness (2002)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Abderrahmane Sissako

The narrative centers around two individuals who fortuitously meet in Nouhadhibou. Situated on the coast of Mauritania, the town serves as a waiting point for those seeking passage to Europe. Khatra, a spirited young boy, yearns for an electric light to facilitate his nighttime reading.

Maata, an older and more stoic gentleman, endeavors to wire Khatra’s room. Meanwhile, Abdallah, a youth en route to Europe, bids farewell to his mother. Nana reflects on the loss of her daughter and her journey to Europe to inform the father.

A young girl takes singing lessons, while the rooms, with their small windows overlooking foot traffic, are equipped with transistor radios to provide a semblance of connection. In the distance, colossal ships anchor, and the train briefly stops by. Offering a cigarette is a gesture of hospitality, and the landscape is dominated by dunes and the ocean. – Mauritania Movies

5. Life on Earth (1998)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Abderrahmane Sissako

Abderrahmane Sissako, a Malian residing in Paris, undertakes a visit to his ancestral African village to reunite with his father, Mohamed Sissako. Upon exploring the town on his bicycle, Dramane becomes cognizant of the stark contrast and lack of progress in his village in comparison to the rapidly evolving modern world, particularly in light of the new millennium. During his stay, Dramane develops a bond with the alluring resident, Nana Baby, with whom he ponders the prospects of the future. – Mauritania Movies


6. Sarraounia (1986)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Med Hondo

The set of the film is Niger and the surrounding Sahel region. It commences with the initiation and coronation of a young girl as the queen of the Aznas tribe.

The young queen, Sarraounia, exhibits her prowess as a warrior by defending her tribe against an enemy tribe. She is highly skilled in archery and herbalism and is renowned for her sorcery.

In the meantime, French colonialists Paul Voulet and Julien Chanoine embarked on a mission to expand the French colonial empire by conquering new territories. As they progress, they perpetrate heinous acts such as rape and arson, leaving behind a trail of destruction. – Mauritania Movies

7. Winged Migration (2001)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Michel Debats

This documentary offers a grand depiction of the winter bird migration, capturing footage from all seven continents over four years. The resulting portrait showcases the arduous journey undertaken by a diverse range of bird species.

Rather than relying on statistical data, the film employs a near-wordless approach to convey the immense physical exertion required of the birds as they navigate their distinct migration routes.

The documentary also highlights the numerous hazards encountered by the birds, including human-generated waste and predatory crabs. – Mauritania Movies

8. Beyond: An African Surf Documentary (2017)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Mario Hainzl

The continents of Africa and Europe offer distinct lifestyles for surfers, with Africa holding a unique position as the birthplace of surfing in many regions.

The movie chronicles the lives of local surfers along the coast of Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, and Gambia, delving into their homes and exploring their favorite surf spots.

The documentary is the result of three months of filming, resulting in a 111-minute episodic journey that showcases the potential of Africa as the next major destination for surfing enthusiasts. – Mauritania Movies

9. West Indies (1979)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Med Hondo

This expansive musical masterpiece spans centuries of history, chronicling the journey from enslavement to 20th-century immigration. It is set aboard a grandiose slave ship and features a stunning array of choreography, diverse musical genres, and incisive satire. – Mauritania Movies

10. Fort Saganne (1984)

Mauritania Movies

Director: Alain Corneau

The narrative centers around the French civilization in the desert, with the protagonist, Saganne, hailing from peasant stock, and possessing immense courage and a strong will. In 1911, he volunteers for service and is stationed in the Sahara under the tutelage of the aristocratic Colonel Dubreuilh.

Saganne garners the attention of Madeline, the daughter of the regional administrator. In the desert, Saganne emerges as a leader, commanding the respect of the Arabs, including Amajan, an independent warrior.

Following a series of resourceful campaigns, Saganne embarks on a diplomatic mission to Paris, where he engages in a romantic liaison with a journalist. Upon his return to Africa, he leads a valiant defense against Sultan Omar, earning the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, and eventually marrying Madeline. However, the onset of the Great War jeopardizes his achievements and happiness. – Mauritania Movies
