The 10 Best Tanzania Movies You Should Watch

The 10 Best Tanzania Movies You Should Watch. You should check out these Tanzania Movies. These Tanzania Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Tanzania Movies

1. Binti (2021)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Seko Shamte

Four women exhibit remarkable perseverance amidst severe adversities in Dar es Salaam, as they confront the intricacies of love, motherhood, and societal norms. – Tanzania Movies

2. Fatuma (2018)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Seko Shamte

A woman bravely bears the weight of her family’s responsibilities, without any recognition or appreciation, as she tends to her husband’s land and ensures the sustenance and well-being of her loved ones.

She is compelled to impart the same arduous lifestyle to her daughter, devoid of formal education. The threat of pests jeopardizes her harvest, which she manages to overcome with the aid of a loan from the local women’s cooperative.

However, when Manyusi recklessly squanders the prized crop and plots to marry off their daughter, Fatuma must seek the assistance of her fellow members at the cooperative to rectify the situation. – Tanzania Movies

3. Bahasha (2018)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Jordan Riber

Bahasha is a compelling tale of Kitasa, a former football star turned elected public official, who succumbs to the temptation of an easy bribe, betraying his family, friends, and community. Despite his initial sense of pride and validation upon being elected street chairman, Kitasa remains unfulfilled, his aspirations always just out of reach.

When his ambitious rival, ward councilor Kampira, offers him a bribe to secure council approval for an illegal commercial development on public land in his neighborhood, Kitasa falls prey to the lure of corruption.

As the corruption spreads, Kitasa’s reputation in the community deteriorates, and his relationships with his loved ones suffer. Caught in a web of lies and torn between his loyalty to the community and his promise to his corrupt paymasters, Kitasa must now find a path to redemption. – Tanzania Movies

4. Nyara: The Kidnapping (2020)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Ram Ally K.

The daughter of affluent businessman Adam Mbena, Rehema, has been abducted by a notorious gang of criminals. Adam is being coerced into paying a ransom within a 24-hour timeframe, or risk losing his cherished daughter forever.

In a desperate bid to save his daughter, Adam enlists the assistance of Detective Officer Faith Komba and her team of three young agents, Paul, Baraka, and Santos, to expedite the safe return of Rehema. – Tanzania Movies

5. Tunu: The Gift (2017)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Jordan Riber

Upon his return to his village to attend his mother’s funeral, a young man embarks on a journey of rediscovery, confronting past adversaries, forging new alliances, and ultimately finding love. – Tanzania Movies


6. Pili (2017)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Leanne Welham

Pili, a single mother residing in rural Tanzania, is faced with a challenging opportunity to improve her circumstances. Despite her HIV-positive status, she is determined to keep it a secret while working in the fields for a meager income of less than $1 per day to provide for her two children.

When presented with the chance to rent a highly coveted market stall, Pili is eager to seize the opportunity. However, with a limited timeframe of only two days to gather the necessary deposit, Pili is forced to make increasingly difficult decisions that may have far-reaching consequences. – Tanzania Movies

7. People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe (1988)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Hugo van Lawick

This documentary chronicles the lives of a closely bonded group of chimpanzees observed for over two decades in the stunning Tanzanian rainforest. Narrated by Donald Sutherland, the film depicts a real-life primate family saga based on the pioneering research of anthropologist Jane Goodall.

The aging alpha female, Flo, dutifully tends to her troop, but as her strength wanes, her charismatic daughter Fifi must assume the mantle of leadership and shoulder the responsibilities that her mother can no longer manage. – Tanzania Movies

8. White Shadow (2013)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Noaz Deshe

The film’s premise is intriguing, as it follows the narrative of an albino individual in Africa who confronts perilous circumstances in a region where albinos are targeted for their body parts, which are believed to possess mystical attributes. Alias, a youthful albino on the lam, is relentlessly pursued by indigenous witch doctors who utilize albino body parts in their concoctions. – Tanzania Movies

9. West of Zanzibar (1928)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Tod Browning

The protagonist of this story is a magician named Phroso, who seeks retribution against the man who left him paralyzed and fathered an illegitimate daughter with his wife. Phroso’s spouse, Anna, abandoned him for a man named Crane, who engaged in a physical altercation with Phroso, resulting in his paralysis.

After Anna’s untimely death, Phroso discovered that she had left behind a daughter. For the next 18 years, Phroso, known as “Dead Legs” among his associates, meticulously planned his revenge, establishing himself as a quasi-ruler in East Africa, near Crane’s ivory enterprise.

With the daughter now grown and having spent her formative years in a Zanzibar brothel, courtesy of “Dead Legs,” Phroso executed his plan, resulting in a cascade of revenge and retribution. – Tanzania Movies

10. Road to Zanzibar (1941)

Tanzania Movies

Director: Victor Schertzinger

The film commences with Chuck Reardon, a con artist, performing as a side-show caller at a circus, singing “You Lucky People, You” to promote his friend Hubert “Fearless” Frazier’s act.

Fearless pretends to be a human cannonball, but at the last moment, he replaces himself with a dummy and hides in a secret compartment. Unfortunately, the flaming dummy sets the big tent on fire, and the two of them flee to Africa.

At a posh restaurant, they receive champagne from Charles Kimble, a diamond baron, who persuades Chuck to invest all their money in the deed to one of Kimble’s diamond mines.

However, when they discover that Kimble is an eccentric and the deed is worthless, Fearless terminates their partnership.

Later that evening, Fearless returns with a fistful of money, claiming to have sold the diamond mine to Monsieur LeBec for a profit. Lebec invites Chuck and Fearless to accompany him to see the mine. Chuck and Fearless manage to escape and board a boat heading for the interior. – Tanzania Movies
