The 20 Best Somalia Movies You Should Watch

The 20 Best Somalia Movies You Should Watch. You should check out these Somalia Movies. These Somalia Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Somalia Movies

1. Captain Phillips (2013)

Somalia Movies

Director: Paul Greengrass

A group of Somali pirates hijacked the American container ship Maersk Alabama in 2009, and the film Captain Phillips explores this incident in great detail.

Through the unusual vision of director Paul Greengrass, it is both a suspenseful thriller and a nuanced study of the many consequences of globalization.

The main focus of the movie is the interaction between Muse Barkhad Abdi, the Somali pirate captain who kidnaps Captain Richard Phillips, the commanding officer of the Alabama Tom Hanks.

Byron and his crew target Philips’ unarmed ship, sending the two men on an irreversible collision course; in the ensuing standoff, 145 kilometers off the coast of Somalia, both men will find themselves at the mercy of circumstances beyond their control. – Somalia Movies

2. Black Hawk Down (2001)

Somalia Movies

Director: Ridley Scott

Mike Steele arrived by helicopter deep within the Somali nation’s capital of Mogadishu to apprehend two of the warlord’s top lieutenants. The Army’s Rangers, US SF, and several hundred Somali gunmen engaged in a large-scale, protracted gunfight as a result of which two American Black Hawk helicopters were destroyed.

The movie centers on SSG Eversmann, who led Rangers unit Chalk Four to the initial crash location, Chief Warrant Officer Durant, who had been captured after being one of the few survivors of the downed helicopters, and other courageous efforts made by various Rangers to reach the helicopters. – Somalia Movies

3. Escape from Mogadishu (2021)

Somalia Movies

Director: Ryoo Seung-wan

Mogadishu, the capital and largest city of Somalia, was torn apart by civil conflict that year. The staff and family of the Republic of Korea’s Korean embassy were subjected to a storm of gunshots and shells while they were cut off and without communication.

Then, one evening, someone from the North Korean embassy came to the door and asked for assistance. People at both embassies share the same objective: they want to leave Mogadishu. Kang Dae-jin, a recent addition to the South Korean embassy’s staff as an intelligence officer, has been tasked with delivering gifts by the South Korean government to Chairman Barre.

He runs into Han Sin-seong, the envoy to Somalia, who accepts the gifts right away because he is very late for a meeting with the president. He and his assistant, Gong Su-cheol, were forced to flee to the president’s palace as they continued to shoot at his car with bullets.

The two men are refused a meeting with the president because they arrive fifteen minutes late for their appointment. Sin-seong notices the North Korean envoy, Rim Yong-su, being led into a conference room as he tries to explain the reason for their delay.

In his opinion, South Korea won’t be able to join the UN because Somalia backed North Korea. The Northern Korean embassy’s information officer, Tae Joon-ki, is the one who paid the rebels to delay and steal Sin-seong. At first, Sin-seong believed Yong-su to be the individual who was behind the robbery. – Somalia Movies

4. The Gravedigger’s Wife (2021)

Somalia Movies

Director: Khadar Ahmed

A loving couple named Guled and Nasra and their teenage son Mahad reside on the outskirts of the capital of Djibouti. But they are in a bind right now since Nasra requires an expensive operation right away to correct her chronic renal illness. – Somalia Movies

5. Act of Valor (2012)

Somalia Movies

Directors: Scott Waugh

After an undercover CIA woman named Lisa Ramirez is kidnapped and nearly killed, a squad of special US Navy SEALs is summoned. The group of men who carried out the kidnapping ultimately matched up with two men who devised a terrible scheme to rebel against America through terrorism.

The SEALs are called in once more to try and defeat the adversaries. a peek into the shrouded realm of the most skilled and accomplished warriors in contemporary society. A group of SEALs is sent on a global manhunt after their capture of a captured CIA agent reveals an explosive terrorist plan against the United States. – Somalia Movies

6. Operation Red Sea (2018)

Somalia Movies

Director: Dante Lam

The Chinese Army received a distress signal while on duty and traveling through the Red Sea about local pirates who were boarding a regional cargo ship and putting Chinese passengers and crew members in danger.

The 8-man Jiaolong Assault Team is immediately sent into action as their forward unit to impede the pirates’ advance until the highly equipped navy boats can reach the location.

While they wait for the main Chinese navy on station in the Red Sea to arrive, they make substantial headway to calm the situation with the aid of a forward chopper and a sniper sent as part of a naval assault squad.

Their sniper suffers a debilitating injury to the spine from gunfire during the operations and has to get replaced. The attack squad is personnel from the mainland and locals.

The Jaiolong Invasion team is tasked with transporting the Chinese residents to safety onboard the main Chinese military vessels in the permanent harbor in the area due to the instability and dangers from regional terrorist groups operating in the area.

The local terrorist groups are prepared to obstruct regional relationships with the Chinese using any military and terrorist means, according to a local Chinese journalist who also works in the area. – Somalia Movies

7. Dirty Wars (2013)

Somalia Movies

Director: Richard Rowley

Dirty Wars is a compelling documentary that chronicles the investigative efforts of renowned journalist Jeremy Scahill, acclaimed author of the international bestseller Blackwater, as he delves into the covert world of America’s clandestine wars.

From Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, and beyond, Scahill’s journey is both a thrilling action film and a captivating detective story, uncovering one of the most significant and underreported stories of our time.

What initially began as a report on a fatal U.S. night raid in a remote region of Afghanistan quickly evolved into a global investigation of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), a secretive and powerful military unit.

As Scahill delves deeper into the activities of JSOC, he uncovers a world of covert operations that remain unknown to the public, carried out by individuals who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. – Somalia Movies

8. The Pirates of Somalia (2017)

Somalia Movies

Director: Bryan Buckley

In the year 2008, Jay Bahadur, a recent Canadian college graduate, is working as a day-to-day market researcher for a napkin maker while still living at home in the basement and pining for a chance at success as a writer.

Jay’s mother makes him shovel snow to help pay the rent, but after he slips and hurts his back, he meets renowned author Seymour Tolden in the waiting room of the hospital. Although Seymour contends that writers are created on the spot, in the fields of battle, Jay’s plans for success include further education, specifically at Harvard.

But the seed of future success is already there, so Jay sets out for Somalia while pretending to be writing a book about the Somalian pirates. He has no prior publication experience, and he hasn’t received translators and a meeting with the President of the country right away because of Seymour’s contacts.

When he looks out the window of his flat, which has a panorama of the city street, in the morning, he sees a stunning Somali woman who just so happens to be the wife of a strong pirate named Boyah. – Somalia Movies

9. Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)

Somalia Movies

Director: Stefano Sollima

CIA agent Matt Graver teams up with an unknown agent to look into a Mexican drug gang that has been bringing terrorists into the country. When a prominent kingpin’s daughter is kidnapped, things get worse and Graver and the other guy are forced to rethink their purpose.

In a grocery shop in Kansas City, a suicide bomber murders fifteen people. In response, the US government gives CIA agent Matthew Graver the go-ahead to use drastic measures against Mexican drug cartels that are thought to be shipping terrorists through the border.

The Ministry of Defense and Graver determine that starting a conflict between the main cartels is the best course of action, and Graver enlists black operator Alejandro Gillick for the task. To convince Isabel that she was abducted by the adversaries of her father, Graver, Gillick, their crew transported her to Texas and performed a “rescue” for the NSA and local law enforcement.

Gillick develops a bond with Isabel, and the group decides to take her back to Spain to leave the goal of leaving her in a region governed by her father’s enemies to intensify the battle. On their return voyage across the border, the Mexican police who were escorting them double-crossed them and attacked the American vehicles. To get away from the ambush, Graver and his accomplices massacre numerous Mexican police officers. – Somalia Movies

10. The Foreigner (2017)

Somalia Movies

Director: Martin Campbell

Together with his partner Lam, Minh Quan owns and operates a Chinese restaurant in London. He seeks retribution after the adolescent daughter of his Fan is killed in an explosion at a clothing store. The “Authentic IRA” is the group claiming responsibility for the bombing.

Following Scotland Yard’s failure to provide the names of the bombers, Quan turns his attention to Liam Hennessy, the deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, who openly discusses his role as a past IRA leader while denouncing the bombing.

Hennessy, who later departs for Belfast and claims to have no idea of the attack or its perpetrators, is sought after by Quan. To discover the bombers’ names, Quan detonates a makeshift bomb at Hennessy’s workplace because he doesn’t believe him.

The tale of lowly London entrepreneur Quan, whose long-buried background erupts into revenge-fueled revenge when his teenage daughter, the only remaining person he could ever love, is abducted in a mindless act of political terrorism.

Quan is compelled to engage in a cat-and-mouse game with a senior Irish government employee as part of his persistent pursuit of the identification of the terrorists because the official’s past might provide information about the murders’ identities. – Somalia Movies


11. Fishing Without Nets (2014)

Somalia Movies

Director: Cutter Hodierne

A Somali man resorts to piracy. He does, however, start to have very strong ethical doubts. Fishing Without Nets, a film shot in the East African continent with Somali non-actors, portrays the captivating and depressing tale of the outlaws from the Somali perspective.

Cutter Hodierne, a first-time feature film director, humanizes the pirates by taking us inside their moral quandaries and gut-wrenching conflicts. He does this by combining the enormous cinematic vision of a spectacular action-thriller with the personal, subtle qualities of an art film. – Somalia Movies

12. Hotel Rwanda (2004)

Somalia Movies

Director: Terry George

The movie depicts the factual account of Paul Rusesabagina, a courageous hotel manager who endangered his own life and that of his family to provide shelter for over 1,000 refugees amidst the 1994 genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutu militia.

An ordinary guy musters incredible fortitude to rescue the lives of more than a thousand vulnerable refugees by providing them with sanctuary at the hotel he manages amid these awful acts, motivated by his love for his family. – Somalia Movies

13. The Expendables (2010)

Somalia Movies

Director: Sylvester Stallone

A group of extremely competent mercenaries led by Barney Ross, including demolitionist Toll Road, martial arts adept Yin Yang, heavy-arms specialist Hale Caesar, knife fanatic Lee Christmas, and loose-cannon sharpshooter Gunner Jensen.

Barney and Lee travel to a distant location to scout out their rivals when the squad is given the assignment to kill the brutal tyrant of a small tropical island by the enigmatic Mr. Church. When they arrive, they run into local rebel Sandra and learn the truth about the conflict gripping the city.

When Sandra stays behind as they leave the island, Ross must decide whether to leave and risk his own life or try a suicidal rescue effort that just might save him. – Somalia Movies

14. Desert Flower (2009)

Somalia Movies

Director: Sherry Hormann

Waris Dirie, who was born in Somalia in 1965, fled her home country at the age of thirteen after being sold to become a fourth wife to a man. She initially worked as a maid at the Somalian embassy in London before finding employment at McDonald’s, where she was discovered and subsequently rose to become an internationally renowned top model. In 1997, she courageously spoke out against the practice of female genital mutilation. – Somalia Movies

15. Asad (2012)

Somalia Movies

Director: Bryan Buckley

Asad is a young Somali fisherman. Asad believes he is ideal for the pirate life; his pals, led by Laban, are also pirates. Old fisherman Erasto would prefer that he continue living a lawful life of fishing rather than engaging in piracy.

Asad is starting to lose hope because he has never been successful in catching anything when fishing. With his biggest catch of the day, Erasto tries to cheer him up. People on the road ask Asad and his friend whether they have caught the fish, and Asad responds angrily that they have not.

His friend advises him to tell lies, but Asad notices the elderly guy who was hurt by the boat when he travels to the sea the following day to meet Erasto to go on a fishing excursion. – Somalia Movies

16. The Expendables 3 (2014)

Somalia Movies

Director: Patrick Hughes

The Expendables, which Barney and Douglas Stonebanks co-founded, were utterly unstoppable when they first started. Years later, Stonebanks left the group to work as a ruthless arms dealer, and Bart was left with no choice except to murder the man he had once considered a brother.

Barney was unaware that Stonebanks had lived and had since been plotting his retaliation. The war has now started. Stonebanks is a vengeful man, and Barney can only stop him with the aid of a few tech-savvy recruits.

The last battle starts with Lee December Jason Statham and the traditional team being supported by some newcomers who prioritize intelligence over strength. Before being deployed on a new task, Barney Ross rescues a team member who has been imprisoned for eight years.

Following that, he leaves to do the task at hand, which is to find an arms dealer by the name of Mins. However, when Barney spots the man, he identifies him as Stonebanks, a different teammate who went renegade whom Barney believed he had dealt with.

The next moment, he strikes one of his men fatally. A CIA agent named Drummer would then approach Barney and inform him that he was looking for either Mins or Stonebanks. Barney chooses to break all links with his men and enlists the aid of four young people to capture Stonebanks. – Somalia Movies

17. Hamilton: In the Interest of the Nation (2012)

Somalia Movies

Director: Kathrine Windfeld

The skilled Swedish operative Carl Hamilton is operating covertly within a Russian Gang that sells 200 Swedish weapons to militants in Afghanistan. They are suddenly assaulted by American mercenaries, who kill all the arms dealers and buyers while Hamilton manages to flee.

Hamilton rushes to the location to rescue Martin Lagerbäck after learning that the mercenaries have him at their base. Additionally, he discovers that Benjamin Lee, an American, is being held captive by the organization, and rescues him.

He learns that Lee is aware that the American mercenaries, directed by Rob Hart, are fabricating terrorist group assaults on leaders, with the Swedish Prime Minister as the next victim. He collaborates with Mouna Al Fathar, his partner. – Somalia Movies

18. Stolen Seas (2012)

Somalia Movies

Director: Thymaya Payne

Thirteen individuals of limited authority find themselves confined on a vessel following an assault by Somali pirates, who demand a substantial sum of money in exchange for their liberation. – Somalia Movies

19. The Last Witness (1999)

Somalia Movies

Director: Graeme Clifford

When FBI agents approach New York City museum ornithologist Rachel Sutherland and ask to use her residence as a command post to track and capture a South African effective who plans to assassinate South African President Nelson Mandela, she is completely immersed in her work and has no time for extracurricular activities or romance.

Sutherland finds herself drawn to McMillan, the group’s apparent leader, as this measuring operation progresses, but she soon learns that McMillan is an SA operative who is attempting to eliminate Sutherland and any other witnesses to the organized operation, rather than an FBI agent. Even as she foils his attempts to kill the others who are aware, she can flee. – Somalia Movies

20. Ayaanle (2022)

Somalia Movies

Director: Ahmed Farah

A young man of 21 years old from Nairobi, wants to work as an actor and move to Hollywood. Notwithstanding his conservative background and poor upbringing, he is still enthusiastic about breaking into the movie business and aspires to be like his hero Denzel Washington, his idol.

After a string of bizarre occurrences that make him the most sought man in the nation of Kenya and relation to terrorist activities throughout East Africa, his life is flipped upside down. His unjust arrest by a dishonest police unit is the beginning of the nightmare.

His mother is forced to use all of the family’s funds to buy his release from prison, which causes hardship for the family. Ayaanle is forced to participate in a scam that a friend is putting together to gain some fast money out of his desire to recover the money.

To document the actions of extremist groups in East Africa, a news team from the worldwide news network GNN is in Nairobi. A Friend and Ayaanle plan to deceive the news team and pose as members of the terrorist organization for the sake of an interview to demand payment from the team.

Since the real terror group is unwilling to grant interviews, they must concoct a scheme to deceive the news team. Regrettably for Ayaanle, the dishonest police officers who had earlier arrested him also see the news report and immediately recognize him. – Somalia Movies
