The 30 Best Lithuanian Movies You Should Watch

The 30 Best Lithuanian Movies You Should Watch. You should check out these Lithuanian Movies. These Lithuanian Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Lithuanian Movies

1. The Summer of Sangaile (2015)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Alante Kavaite

Sangaile, a 17-year-old, harbors a deep fascination for stunt planes. During a summer aeronautical exhibition, she encounters a girl of her age, Auste. In a moment of vulnerability, Sangaile confides her most intimate secret to Auste, and in doing so, discovers a kindred spirit who genuinely motivates her to pursue her passion for flying. – Lithuanian Movies

2. The Generation of Evil (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Emilis Velyvis

Gintas Krasauskas, a 55-year-old police chief in a small town, is a respected family man with a wife and two children. He has expressed his desire to become the town’s mayor.

However, it has come to light that he has been engaging in an extramarital affair with the wife of his friend and the town’s prosecutor general, Laimonas. Tragically, Laimonas is found dead, and initial investigations suggest that it was a suicide.

The national prosecutor, Simonas, is called in to investigate further and discovers that Laimonas was subjected to prolonged torture, which ultimately led to his death. Shockingly, it was revealed that a venomous snake was inserted into his body.

Further revelations come to light when a flashback to the year 1990 reveals that the town’s current elite, including Gintas, Laimonas, Judge Julius, priest Antanas, and the incumbent female mayor, Rasa, were once Soviet KGB informants. – Lithuanian Movies

3. Christmas. Uncensored (2012)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Maris Martinsons

In a post-Soviet country where societal norms surrounding sexuality remain conservative and Catholicism and homophobia are prevalent, a group of family members and close friends gather to celebrate Christmas Eve.

Specifically, in Lithuania, a country with a strong Catholic tradition and a negative attitude towards minority groups, including the LGBTQ+ community. The festivities include the participation of a father, mother, son, daughter, extended family members, acquaintances, and friends.

The plot of the tragicomedy centers around the fate of a young woman named Anna, whose secret is revealed during the Christmas Eve celebration, leading to a series of dark events that connect each member of the family. – Lithuanian Movies

4. Slow (2023)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Marija Kavtaradze

Elena, a dancer, and Dovydas, a sign language interpreter, establish a profound connection. As they embark on a new romantic journey, they must navigate the intricacies of cultivating a unique form of intimacy. – Lithuanian Movies

5. Pensive (2022)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Jonas Trukanas

Following the destruction of life-size wooden folk art statues by classmates during a raucous high school graduation celebration at a secluded cottage, a mysterious assailant begins to systematically eliminate them. – Lithuanian Movies

6. Pilgrims (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Laurynas Bareisa

Indre and Paulius journeyed to the small town where a heinous crime had been perpetrated, only to discover that revisiting the past was not as straightforward as they had anticipated. – Lithuanian Movies

7. Reemigrants (2022)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Kestutis Gudavicius

Three emigrants, who had previously shown little affection for their homeland, returned to Lithuania for a holiday after losing their jobs. By chance, they found themselves caught up in a scheme involving fraudulent business practices, which led them to rediscover their love for their motherland. – Lithuanian Movies

8. Summer Survivors (2018)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Marija Kavtaradze

Indre, a driven and aspiring research psychologist, has acquiesced to the task of transporting two patients from one psychiatric facility to another in exchange for research privileges at her clinic.

The film, Summer Survivors, follows Indre as she embarks on a road trip with Paulius and Juste, two young patients with unique mental health challenges.

Paulius grapples with bipolar disorder, causing his mood to fluctuate, while Juste is undergoing treatment following a suicide attempt, yet remains resistant to accepting help. Indre, a post-graduate in psychology, faces communication barriers of her own, adding a layer of complexity to the journey. – Lithuanian Movies

9. Parade (2022)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Titas Laucius

Migle underwent a divorce 26 years prior. Subsequently, she received an unexpected request from her ex-husband, who sought to dissolve their Christian marriage through the “Catholic court” to marry his new partner. This institution holds the exclusive authority to annul the bond of a Christian union.

Throughout the court proceedings, which involved a series of uncomfortable and awkward encounters with multiple priests, Migle and her former spouse found themselves developing a newfound closeness. Their relationship may have even surpassed the level of intimacy they shared during their marriage. – Lithuanian Movies

10. Lietuviski svingeriai (2018)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Tadas Vidmantas

Sim and Giedre, a married couple, have expressed dissatisfaction with their sex life, likening it to a monotonous diet. However, their situation takes an unexpected turn when they engage in a sexual encounter with another woman.

Following this experience, Giedre experiences confusion while Sim becomes increasingly interested in exploring new sexual experiences.

Sim suggests that they engage in a sexual encounter with a pair of swingers. However, the outcome of this encounter is not what they anticipated, as the party hosted by the swingers in their opulent home proves to be quite different from what they had envisioned. – Lithuanian Movies

11. Zero 2 (2010)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Emilis Velyvis

When the criminal underworld and entertainment industry intersect, Max and Sylvester, two hitmen companions, find themselves embroiled in a series of peculiar events and melodramatic situations.

Despite being bombarded with unsavory schemes and artificial enhancements, the duo must remain focused on their primary objective: recovering a lost drug shipment.

Additionally, they must rescue a kidnapped courier, eliminate numerous adversaries, and navigate treacherous romantic entanglements. The key to success lies in maintaining composure and avoiding compromising situations. – Lithuanian Movies

12. The Poet (2022)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Vytautas V. Landsbergis

The renowned journalist and poet was demoted for unauthorized publications and prohibited anti-Soviet lyrics. Suspicious neighbors continue to question his allegiances, while children eagerly recite his lines from ‘To My Soviet Motherland,’ penned under duress to prase Uncle Lenin. Eventually, an unforgotten acquaintance leads him down a secret wintery road to the subterranean bunker of the Dainava resistance squad. – Lithuanian Movies

13. Motherland (2019)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Tomas Vengris

Following the dissolution of the USSR, a 12-year-old Kovas embarks on his inaugural journey to his mother Viktorija’s native land. Having fled Soviet-Occupied Lithuania two decades prior, Viktorija has now returned to reclaim her cherished family estate. – Lithuanian Movies

14. A Butterfly’s Heart (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Inesa Kurklietyte

This is the account of Juozapas, a ten-year-old boy who is a rare case as he was born with his heart located outside of his chest, yet managed to survive. Juozapas tends to steer clear of socializing with other children, preferring to spend his time in an abandoned manor house where he raises insects.

However, his tranquility is disrupted when a girl of the same age, Rugile, moves into town and they both begin attending school. Through shared experiences, they gradually develop a friendship. – Lithuanian Movies

15. Runner (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Andrius Blazevicius

Following her boyfriend’s psychotic episode and subsequent disappearance, Maria is determined to leave no stone unturned in her efforts to assist him. She diligently pursues any leads regarding his location, embarking on a rapid and dynamic journey throughout the urban landscape. – Lithuanian Movies


16. The Beauty (1969)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Arunas Zebriunas

Inga, a young girl, holds a positive self-image and receives indulgent treatment from her mother and peers within her residential complex. However, her confidence is challenged when a new male acquaintance, who exhibits questionable behavior, arrives and directly insults her physical appearance. – Lithuanian Movies

17. Zero 3 (2017)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Emilis Velyvis

An investigation into the corrupt practices and undue influence of large corporations in politics is underway. A prosecutor specializing in drug-related cases has announced an auction for video footage that contains potentially damaging information capable of destroying even the most illustrious career. – Lithuanian Movies

18. Boys Feels: I Love Trouble (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Giancarlo Sanchez

Engaging in activities such as gaming in a military zone, academic dishonesty, seeking cheap thrills by crossing borders, or engaging in illicit financial gain, these young men are aware that each risk taken brings them closer to an irreversible state of peril. – Lithuanian Movies

19. The Gambler (2013)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Ignas Jonynas

Vincentas is a highly skilled employee at the emergency services station, whose primary interest lies in gambling across various games. In times of financial difficulty, Vincentas resorts to extreme measures to recoup his losses.

It was during one such instance that he conceived the idea of an illicit game that was related to his profession. Initially, only his colleagues at the emergency services station were drawn to this macabre pastime.

However, the game quickly gained popularity and spread like wildfire. Vincentas assumed control of the game’s bank, while his colleagues became betting agents.

As the game’s financial success grew, Vincentas’ coworker Ieva began to express her objections. A passionate relationship had recently blossomed between the two, and Vincentas was soon faced with a fateful decision – to choose between the game and love. – Lithuanian Movies

20. 12 Chairs (2016)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Algis Ramanauskas

Kysa, a former KGB officer, discovers that his mother-in-law, a former Soviet official, had concealed party treasures within one of her twelve chairs. In his quest to locate the hidden jewels, Kysa encounters Benderis, a brazen opportunist, and under duress, divulges the secret. The unlikely duo joins forces, embarking on a series of thrilling escapades in pursuit of the elusive treasures. – Lithuanian Movies

21. Devil’s Bride (1974)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Arunas Zebriunas

This musical production centers around the triumph of love over the deceitful machinations of the Devil. The story follows the journey of a mischievous imp named Pinciukas, who is banished from the depths of Hell and finds himself at the doorstep of Baltaragis mill. In exchange for the proprietor’s soul and the hand of his daughter Jurga in marriage, Pinciukas offers his assistance in the mill’s operations. – Lithuanian Movies

22. Paskutiniai Bremeno muzikantai (2005)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Vaidas Lekavicius

This is the tale of four musicians who possess a free-spirited nature and embark on a journey towards fame, guided by the experienced producer, Leo. – Lithuanian Movies

23. Ko nezino vyrai (2022)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Robertas Kuliunas

A prominent editor of a fashion magazine, known for his outspoken male chauvinistic views, undergoes a transformative experience when he awakens one morning as a woman, prompting him to reevaluate his perspective. – Lithuanian Movies

24. You Can’t Escape Lithuania (2016)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Romas Zabarauskas

Renowned filmmaker Romas devises a plan to facilitate the escape of his leading actress, Indre, who has committed matricide in Lithuania. Despite initial reluctance, Romas’ Mexican partner Carlos agrees to assist them.

During their journey, Romas embarks on the production of an impromptu experimental film. As unforeseen circumstances arise, their concealed truths, recollections, and sentiments render this expedition more unpredictable and exhilarating than any cinematic creation Romas could have envisioned. – Lithuanian Movies

25. Nova Lituania (2019)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Karolis Kaupinis

During the late 1930s, a Lithuanian geographer devised a strategic plan to establish an overseas colony before the onset of World War II. – Lithuanian Movies

26. Gautas Iskvietimas (2016)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Tadas Vidmantas

The black comedy “Received Call” adopts a documentary style to narrate a story set in a police headquarters. Despite the officials’ unwavering commitment to their duties, the frequency of call-outs this month seems intentionally low.

However, one of the officials is caught using drugs stolen from the evidence room while on duty. The plot is replete with explosive action, shootings, helicopter chases, romantic encounters, eroticism, appearances by music and movie stars, and much more. – Lithuanian Movies

27. 3 Million Euros (2017)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Tadas Vidmantas

The acquisition of a three million euro lottery win will not only challenge the effectiveness of the STI but also put to the test the resilience of genuine Lithuanian affection. – Lithuanian Movies

28. Vyras uz pinigus (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Justinas Krisiunas

When a determined tax inspector embarks on yet another investigation, the outcome of which could secure a coveted managerial position, a charismatic suspect unexpectedly disrupts the proceedings and prompts a reevaluation of core principles. – Lithuanian Movies

29. I Am Fine, Thanks (2021)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Ernestas Jankauskas

Maria, a charismatic researcher, returns home after two months of anxiety and panic attacks treatment. Maria’s return, on the other hand, is not without its challenges. Maria is removed from the project she has been working on for many years, her mother is in the hospital, and her fiancé is pressuring her to finally start planning their baby. As the tension mounts, the panic attacks return, transporting Maria to a terrible and dark realm where she must confront herself. – Lithuanian Movies

30. Problemo (2018)

Lithuanian Movies

Director: Marius Pocevicius

The disappearance of the entire town’s population makes the town’s chief detective a suspect in a crime. As he tries to conceal the evidence, he enlists the help of his coworkers. He recreates the town as it once was with the help of a bunch of actors. He lays traps for investigators by providing misleading clues and fabricating imaginary circumstances. But there’s more to discover. – Lithuanian Movies
