Top 10 Greatest Burkina Faso TV Series of All Time

Top 10 Greatest Burkina Faso TV Series of All Time. You should check out these Burkina Faso TV Series. These Burkina Faso TV Series will give you a lot of fun and practice.


11. The Golden Horde (TV Series 2014)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Timur Alpatov

The story takes place in the late 13th century when Ancient Russia was ruled by the Tartar-Mongol Empire. The Grand Prince of Russia, Yaroslav, seeks to unify the disparate Russian realms and rid them of the oppressive Tartars, however, his ambitions are hindered by his brother, the deposed Prince, Boris, and his son, Vladimir. – Burkina Faso TV Series

2. Trotsky (TV Series 2017)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Alexander Kott

A gang of Mexican Communists disguised as police raid Trotsky’s residence. After firing into the house for a quarter of an hour, both Trotsky and his wife miraculously survived.

After reflection, Trotsky realized that he had lost almost all of his loved ones during his eleven years in exile from the Soviet Union and that Soviet leader Stalin would continue to pursue him until his death.

Consequently, Trotsky decided to create a political legacy of how a member of an oppressed minority was able to bring about the overthrow of the Russian regime and the establishment of a new social structure.

He entrusts an ideological opponent, a Canadian journalist who is sympathetic to Stalin, to collaborate with him and compose the testament.

Subsequently, each episode of the series examines a period in Trotsky’s life as a leading figure in the Communist Revolution who eventually lost his new powers to Stalin. – Burkina Faso TV Series

3. Addicted (TV Series 2018)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Ivan Kitaev

The narrative revolves around Yana, a well-off drug and alcohol addict, whose life is transformed by the intervention of a psychologist, Ilya. This is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable Russian television series ever produced.

The actors and writers of this series are of the highest caliber. There is not a single strong character who does not take a stance that is not pitiful. Yana is constantly flipping like a pendulum. The performance is excellent, however, fewer characters could be added to the series to balance it out. – Burkina Faso TV Series

4. The Adjutant of His Excellency (TV Series 1969)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Yevgeni Tashkov

Martin Latsis assigned Pavel Andreevich Koltsov, an agent of the Red Army, to command the Cheka within the Volunteer Army. Koltsov and several other White officers were captured by the Red Army of Evgeniy Angel while on patrol.

When the opportunity presented itself, Koltsov seized the weapons, and Koltsov and two other Red Army prisoners engaged in a battle. Upon learning of the escape, Koltsov was appointed as the adjutant to the Cheka’s commander, Vladimir Kovalevitch Zenonovich.

Throughout the novel, Koltsov carries out numerous clandestine missions while successfully passing all examinations of his legendary status and resisting counterintelligence’s attempts to provoke him. The novel also features the romantic subplot of Pavel Koltsov’s relationship with Colonel Shchukin’s daughter, the head of counterintelligence. – Burkina Faso TV Series

5. Dva holma (TV Series 2022)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Dmitry Gribanov

Women will go through a period of mourning, and then they will join forces to construct a more equitable society with eco-villages, renewable energy sources, the freedom to pursue any interest, science, biohacking, yoga, and personal growth. In the contemporary era, reproduction is achieved through artificial conception, and all progeny are female. – Burkina Faso TV Series


Burkina Faso TV Series

6. Mata Hari (TV Series 2016)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Julius Berg

This incredible true story follows the life of Mata Hari, a famous spy, dancer, and seductress. But few people have ever seen the real-life Margaret Zelle. Born into poverty, Margaret overcame a family tragedy and a failed marriage to become one of the most influential women of her era.

She can’t forget her daughter who was taken from her, even though she was so wealthy. Margaret uses her body, mind, and information to get the help of anyone who can help her get her daughter back. As the world spins out of control, the stakes become too high for Margaret to handle. She can’t escape the act that’s become her life. – Burkina Faso TV Series

7. Flint. Redemption (TV Series 2012)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Vladimir Epifantsev

Andrey Shamanov is no longer as reluctant to kill low-level cops and grunts, which could be because of the darker stuff going on. Helping out the bad guys in season two was way worse than taking bribes and corruption and getting attacked in the first season.

So, when one of the novices died while training in the mountains where some smugglers were hiding, Andrey had to come out of retirement to investigate.

Even his girlfriend, Nastya, won’t let him go on a dangerous mission to find out why the SMU team died while they were training in the mountains with a bunch of smugglers. He’ll have some tough challenges ahead of him because the bad guys tried to blackmail him and take his girlfriend. – Burkina Faso TV Series

8. Project ‘Anna Nikolaevna’ (TV Series 2020)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Aleksandr Karpilovskiy

Russian scientists created the artificial police officer. The captain, Anna Nikolaevna Corolkevich, is perfect in every aspect. She serves in the small town to experience the real world and grow as a human being. Nothing is unlucky until humanization reaches its limit. But her colleagues think that Anna Nikolaevna is the daughter of the Deputy Minister. – Burkina Faso TV Series

9. Pishcheblok (TV Series 2021)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Svyatoslav Podgaevskiy

The summer camp of Valery, situated on the Volga River, offers a tranquil atmosphere of morning exercise, ghost stories around the fire, and romantic liaisons, while the events of the 1980 Summer Olympics take place in Moscow. However, the evil does not cease: some of the first inhabitants appear to have been vampires. – Burkina Faso TV Series

10. Not Born Beautiful (TV Series 2005)

Burkina Faso TV Series

Director: Alexander Nazarov

Katya is a plain-looking girl working as a secretary for Zimaletto, a company that makes wedding dresses and uniforms. She’s never been noticed by a guy, but that doesn’t stop her from dreaming of finding love and being happy.

She’s got a great mind, a beautiful personality, and a great soul, but no one has ever been interested in her. She’s trying to survive, but society doesn’t give her the benefit of her inner beauty and qualifications. – Burkina Faso TV Series
