Top 10 Greatest Guinea Movies of All Time

Top 10 Greatest Guinea Movies of All Time. You should check out these Guinea Movies. These Guinea Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Guinea Movies

1. God’s Will (1989)

Guinea Movies

Director: David Achkar

David Achkar, a filmmaker, looks for his father Marof Achkar, who was detained for treason in 1969 and transported to the notorious Camp Boiro jail. – Guinea Movies

2. The African Child (1995)

Guinea Movies

Director: Laurent Chevalier

Baba is an adolescent who lives in a community in Guinea that was under French authority and is situated on the Niger River. Village life for Baba is calm, despite the occasional nagging from his mother Kouda. But Madou, his father, wants to provide his kid with a better life.

He sends the youngster to live with his wealthy uncle Moussa while attending school in a neighboring city. Although he initially feels out of place, Baba gradually acclimates to his broadening horizons. Little Baba lives contentedly in his home village of Kouroussa with his loving mother Kouda, his talented mechanic father Madou, and his group of friends.

Baba learns a lot about life in Kouroussa, a great location. However, Baba matures as do all little boys, and he is now old enough to complete his studies in Conakry. He must bid his hamlet farewell and travel the length of Guinea to the nation’s capital to live with his uncle. – Guinea Movies

3. Blood Diamond (2006)

Guinea Movies

Director: Edward Zwick

Archer, a man who is tormented by his roots, is the subject of a narrative. With a keen sense of survival, he has established himself as a major figure in the conflict diamond industry. In Sierra Leone, political turmoil is rife as individuals brawl with one another.

Archer’s life is drastically changed when he meets Solomon and the lovely Maddy because he is given the chance to end the war going on all around him. Solomon Vandy, a fisherman in Sierra Leone in 1999, has a dream about his son Dia Vandy one day being a doctor. When the rebels seize his hamlet and take him to work in the diamond mines, his dreams are dashed.

The commandant of the rebels notices Solomon hiding a big pink diamond, but the rebels are ambushed, and the government force captures Solomon. When the wounded commandant in prison reveals to the other inmates that Salomon discovered the stone, the mercenary smuggler Danny Archer of Zimbabwe frees Salomon and offers to trade the diamond for the missing family’s missing members.

Danny finds Salomon’s wife and daughters in a refugee camp with the help of idealistic American journalist Maddy Bowen but learns that his son has joined the rebels. Salomon searches for his kid and finds him, while Danny searches for the diamond and finds repentance, solidifying their alliance. – Guinea Movies

4. Mortu Nega (1988)

Guinea Movies

Director: Flora Gomes

The story of a woman who, while the battle for independence is in progress, travels the nation looking for her rebel husband. She eventually locates him and saves his life. When peace does come, they will have to re-learn how to live together in a wrecked world. – Guinea Movies

5. Amok (1983)

Guinea Movies

Director: Souheil Ben-Barka

A teacher in a rural area learns the hard truths of his South Africa. Matthew, a retired black schoolteacher in South Africa, visits his sick sister Josephine, a prostitute, and reconnects with his son Gasha, an “Amok,” as well as his brother, a trade-union leader whose life will tragically end.

Matthew also receives a letter from a former classmate who has become a priest. Despite being a teacher, Matthew was only familiar with the world of his rural home. As he learns more about his country, he encounters racist Whites and cops who are at their beck and call. – Guinea Movies


6. The Blue Eyes of Yonta (1992)

Guinea Movies

Director: Flora Gomes

The movie revolves around a triangle of unrequited love between Zé, a young student, and the attractive Yonta, who is in love with Vicente, a militant who was Yonta’s father’s former friend. Yonta, a young woman who is attractive, smart, and charming, has a secret crush on Vicente, a hero of the independence fight and a friend of her parents. As she is uninformed of the affection of a young man who writes her anonymous love letters, Vicente is also ignorant of her desire. – Guinea Movies

7. The Cemetery of Cinema (2023)

Guinea Movies

Director: Thierno Souleymane Diallo

This documentary turns into both a lighthearted reflection on why films matter and a somber investigation of how history can be lost if it is not preserved. It is both an enjoyable and thought-provoking viewing because of Diallo’s mastery of the fine line between silliness and profundity.

Diallo travels off with his camera in quest of the beginnings of filmmaking in Guinea. He explores the history and film legacy of his nation with charm and tenacity, emphasizing the value of film archives. – Guinea Movies

8. The Golden Ball (1994)

Guinea Movies

Director: Cheik Doukouré

The life of young Salif Keta, a Roger Milla fan from the town of Makono in Guinea. His football teammates refer to him as “le Turbo” on the pitch. He paints an actual leather ball in gold when one is handed to him. He is welcomed by Karim, a football coach, at his training facility in Conakry. – Guinea Movies

9. Into the Jungle (2018)

Guinea Movies

Director: Mark Hanlin

Jim and Jean Thomas, two conservationists who braved the humid rainforests of Papua New Guinea to save the tree kangaroo from extinction, also provided water and sanitation to 10,000 people in one of the most isolated regions of the planet. – Guinea Movies

10. Krippendorf’s Tribe (1998)

Guinea Movies

Director: Todd Holland

A brief prologue depicts anthropologist James Krippendorf, together with his wife and children, making friends with local people in Papua New Guinea. They inquire about an undiscovered tribe that is rumored to be nearby, but they discover there is none from the villagers.

Shortly after, Mrs. Krippendorf passes away, and her family returns to the United States. Krippendorf creates a fictitious tribe called the “Shelmikedmu” in honor of his daughter Shelly and sons Mickey and Edmund rather than admitting his failure to the university.

In the months that follow, he delivers several lectures on the traditions of this fictional tribe, with videos of his boys and daughter acting as villagers interspersed to serve as illustrations. – Guinea Movies
