The 20 Best Argentina Animation Movies of All Time

The 20 Best Argentina Animation Movies of All Time. You should check out these Argentina Animation Movies. These Argentina Animation Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


Argentina Animation

1. Condorito: The Movie (2017)

Argentina Animation

Director: Eduardo Schuldt

A long time ago, mollusk-like aliens used their hypnotic amulets to enslave planets. The amulet was stolen by an anthropomorphic condor during the pre-Columbian era, de-hypnotizing the people and forcing the mollusk-like aliens to flee to their planet with a promise to return.

The Condor and his companions concealed the amulet in a temple deep within the Mexican jungle, and over time, the Condor produced several offspring.

Condorito and his teammates defeat the Buenas Peras team in Pelotillehue City football. Yayita electrocutes Condorito for flirting with reporters during an interview after which he departs with Pepe Cortisona to purchase a hot air balloon in honour of Yayita’s mother Tremebunda’s birthday. – Argentina Animation

2. Underdogs (2013)

Argentina Animation

Director: Juan José Campanella

Amadeo lives in a small community with nobody good enough to compete with him at table football. Amadeo may be an expert at table football, but in real life, he is a loser. Although he is in love with Lara, a friend from his youth, he is too bashful to admit his feelings for her.

So he chills in his ageless, charming village. when Amadeo defeats Flash, the local bully, at table football. The stage is prepared for a titanic conflict. Flash, who is utterly furious, swears to exact revenge. Ten years later, when he is an international superstar, a football legend, and Galatico, he makes a comeback ready to exact his vengeance.

He destroys the community to make room for a football academy. He ruins the table football set and flies off with Amadeo’s gorgeous girlfriend Lara in his helicopter. When one of Amadeo’s tears falls on Skip, the leader of the Table Football Players, he comes to life and, together with other essential football players Rico and Loco, convinces Amadeo to take revenge on the crazy Flash and his scheming goon The Agent. – Argentina Animation

3. Back Home Again (2021)

Argentina Animation

Director: Michael Mankowski

A recreation of one of the biggest wildfire evacuations in Canadian history is depicted in the animated film The Beast, Wildfire at Fort McMurray. The narrative of one of the biggest wildfire evacuations in Canadian history as seen through the eyes of the local wildlife is portrayed in an animated version. – Argentina Animation

4. Top Cat (2011)

Argentina Animation

Director: Alberto Mar

A new police chief, who is not at all pleased with Officer Dibble’s efforts to stop Top Cat’s schemes, must deal with Top Cat and the gang. The new police chief, Strickland, will put Top Cat and his crew to the test and turn out to be the biggest opponent Top Cat has ever faced. – Argentina Animation

5. Boogie (2009)

Argentina Animation

Director: Gustavo Cova

The mob boss Sonny Calabria’s girlfriend, Marcia, approaches Boogie at a bar and inquires about his opinion of her attractiveness. She gets rudely called out by Boogie for being overweight before she departs.

Later, under threat from the existence of a strange witness who might implicate him, Calabria is brought to trial. The people of Calabria attempt to pay Boogie to kill that witness, but when he demands too much money, they choose to employ Blackburn, a rival assassin, in his place.

Boogie decides to kidnap the witness to make Calabria pay him as a result of the unfortunate circumstance. The witness was Marcia, who had lost weight as a result of Boogie’s criticism, which led Calabria to dump her and start seeing another obese lady because he favored obese women.

Despite his continual brutality and lack of emotion, Marcia falls in love with this apparent hero—that is until she learns what his genuine intentions are. When she tries to run away from him, Boogie captures her again and offers to negotiate Calabria’s takeover of her. – Argentina Animation

6. Paper Birds (2020)

Argentina Animation

Director: Federico Carlini

The protagonist of Paper Birds is a little child with low vision who has a remarkable gift for music. To retrieve his sister who was abducted by the shadows, he must navigate the world of darkness. – Argentina Animation

7. Gaturro (2010)

Argentina Animation

Director: Gustavo Cova

Gaturro keeps getting into mischief, his master is at a loss about how to handle him. Agatha is the town’s most unpleasant cat, and she has Gaturro’s heart. Her discovery of Max, a young gorgeous cat with an aristocratic upbringing, foils his several attempts to win her love.

Gaturro discovers that fame and prosperity come with additional issues after unintentionally becoming renowned. They develop a strategy to stop Agatha from getting married to Max, the aristocrat and coolest cat in town, with the aid of a small mouse named Rat Pitt. – Argentina Animation

8. Giants of la Mancha

Argentina Animation

Director: Gonzalo Gutierrez

The entire family will embark on an astonishing and exciting voyage with 11-year-old Alfonso, Don Quixote’s successor, and his three imaginary rabbit companions, who are joined by Pancho and Victoria.

They battle a powerful storm in their beloved La Mancha birthplace by using the strength of their friendship. To discover the true cause of the storm, they employ their imagination, courage, and unattainable dream. – Argentina Animation

9. Ian: A Moving Story (2018)

Argentina Animation

Director: Abel Goldfarb

The touching animated short tells the tale of IAN, a youngster who has a disability. The IAN foundation was established by Ian’s mother to combat the ignorance and lack of understanding that frequently results in bullying and social isolation of persons with disabilities.

The foundation’s need and desire to spread an inclusive message to every family gave rise to the short Ian. Sheila, the creator of Ian’s Foundation, seeks to convince people in society that there is no time to spend when discussing inclusion. – Argentina Animation

10. Birds of Paradise (2010)

Argentina Animation

Director: Daniel De Felippo

Jack is a regular sparrow who longs to be more colorful and exotic like so many of his buddies. So Jack is delighted with his new look when a fortuitous incident involving colorful paint alters his appearance. But he has no idea that his new appearance will soon set him on a path of identity confusion, adventure, and peril.

Beautiful golden canary Aurora has spent her entire life in captivity. She struggles to acclimatize to her newfound freedom as she finally manages to escape the cruel network tycoon who has held her imprisoned.

They will have to rely on each other and their crazy pals when Jack and Aurora unintentionally cross paths since their case of mistaken identity will send them on an exciting adventure. Along the road, Aurora and Jack will discover that what matters is who you are on the inside, not who you are on the outside. – Argentina Animation


11. The Employment (2008)

Argentina Animation

Director: Santiago Grasso

The alarm clock of a working man wakes him. He gets dressed, shaves, and eats breakfast. An unidentified man raises his mirror. His table and chair are made up of three persons. At the door, a woman is present and serving as his coat hanger. To get to work, he hails a ride and rides piggyback.

A group of people riding people waits at a traffic light for the light to change. Two men are dangling from a pole, which stands in for traffic lights. One unzips his jacket to expose a scarlet shirt below. He then zips up his jacket, allowing the other man to show off his green shirt.

He places his coat and briefcase in a locker with a woman serving as both a coat hanger and a briefcase holder on the locker door. He uses a human counterweight to help him ascend in the lift. He starts his job as a doormat there. When his boss arrives, he enters his office while rubbing his feet against his back. He still lies there, in front of the door to the office. – Argentina Animation

12. Turu, the Wacky Hen (2019)

Argentina Animation

Director: Víctor Monigote

When a hen that can’t lay eggs is sold to a music teacher, her life is forever altered. Like the other hens in her home, Turuleca is a hen who is unable to lay eggs. She belongs to sleazy hen farmer Sr. Cocoricó, who one day visits Villa Armona to trade.

Later, he decides to con Isabel, a lovely elderly woman, into buying Turuleca so he can get rid of her. The retired music instructor Isabel plays music in the hopes that it may encourage Turuleca to lay eggs, only to find out that the hen can comprehend her new owner.

Turuleca, who lives on the farm with Isabel and other animals like the cow Meloda, the sheep Ritmo, and the hog Compás, teaches Isabel human language and teaches her many songs to sing. But when Isabel stumbles to the ground one day and is taken to a hospital with amnesia, this bliss comes to an abrupt stop. Turuleca leaves the property to find Isabel and follows the ambulance, but she loses sight of it. – Argentina Animation

13. El ratón Pérez (2006)

Argentina Animation

Director: Juan Pablo Buscarini

When Lucia loses a tooth, her father tells her the tale of Pérez, a mouse who gathers children’s teeth and polishes them into pearls. The bandits kidnap Perez. In a thrilling journey, Luca and his cousin Ramiro save him. – Argentina Animation

14. Gloomy Eyes (2019)

Argentina Animation

Director: Jorge Tereso

The sun decided to hide and never rise again after growing weary of people. The dead were awakened from their graves by the gloom. A close relationship develops between a mortal girl named Nena and a zombie child named Gloomy. – Argentina Animation

15. Bikes (2018)

Argentina Animation

Director: Manuel J. García

The home of the bike is Spokesville. When the petrol engine arrives to upset the city, the main character, Speedy, is on a mountain bike prepared to take the lead. To keep Spokesville clean, Speedy and his buddies Pión, Gassy, and Montana will battle the bothersome artifact. – Argentina Animation

16. A Mouse Tale (2012)

Argentina Animation

Director: David Bisbano

A fantastic journey starts here Once upon a time, there was a marvelous kingdom called Rodencia, where wonderful creatures and strong wizards lived. It was located amid a large and wild forest.

A small mouse named Edam, a clumsy magician’s apprentice, and the lovely and self-assured mouse Brie are the main characters in this story of adventures and love.

They must overcome many perilous challenges to obtain the power of the princess’s tooth and defeat the rat army led by the evil Rotex, who invades Rodencia to subjugate them and steal their treasure. The power of light and darkness, love and resentment will face off in the heart of the forest. – Argentina Animation

17. El Crazy Che (2015)

Argentina Animation

Director: Pablo Chehebar

The most incredible case of industrial espionage—the extraordinary true story of an Argentine engineer who became a cold war spy—is the subject of this documentary.

Gaede provided technical knowledge on the semiconductor business to the Soviet Union through the Cuban government while he was employed for AMD and INTEL in the United States.

Later, after losing hope in the communist revolution, Gaede surrendered to the CIA and the FBI and started working in a counter-espionage operation, which brought about unimaginable outcomes for him. – Argentina Animation

18. Castores. La invasión del fin del mundo (2015)

Argentina Animation

Director: Nicolas Iacouzzi

Canadian beavers are the invaders that have taken over the island of Tierra del Fuego. In what turned out to be one of the most disastrous attempts to alter the environment for human benefit, the species was introduced in 1946. The population of beavers has increased from the original twenty to over 150,000 and poses a serious threat to the island’s native animals as well as possibly to the rest of South America’s continent. – Argentina Animation

19. Manuelita (1999)

Argentina Animation

Director: Manuel García Ferré

The Patriarch of the Birds, a figure that first appears in Trapito, narrates the tale of Manuelita the turtle to other creatures. Manuelita, a Pehuajó native, possessed an intrepid and inquisitive nature from the moment she emerged from the egg.

After a few years, she enrolls in school alongside her two closest pals, Dopi and Bartolito. On their journey there and back, three dogs taunt and threaten them. Bartolito heroically resists as they seize Manuelita’s rucksack and fling it around, pouncing one of the thieves, which leads to the two of them wrestling on the ground.

When the other two thieves join in, Larguirucho, the assistant teacher and caretaker at the school, chases them away on his bicycle. Manuelita has a dream that night in which Bartolito appears as a knight saving her from the thieves, who are represented as a three-headed dragon. The Patriarch claims that as the years go by, Manuelita develops into a stunning adolescent.

When Bartolito tries to deliver the letter to Manuelita, they learn that Pehuajó is hosting a funfair. Bartolito is also in love with Manuelita and expresses his affection to her in a letter. Bartolito chooses to put the letter aside for later and travel with the family since they have plans to go. – Argentina Animation

20. Lava (2019)

Argentina Animation

Director: Ayar Blasco

Deborah draws her customers’ skin for a living. Her flatmate once extends an invitation to their home to her boyfriend and a friend. They watch the current television show, Gain of Clones, while seated in the armchair, till the signal is abruptly cut off, the screen turns red, and floating subliminal pictures appear.

Nobody can recall what occurred in the last two minutes. The mysterious presence of enormous cats that eventually assault the city will hold the key. The second animated film by Ayar Blasco explores post-apocalyptic scenarios where disorder and unease provide the finest justification for seeing surrealistic characters and settings.

Blasco, a child who became an adult only to grant himself license to play for all time, recognizes that animation is a language with capabilities that live action does not have. He uses these resources to his advantage. – Argentina Animation
