The 10 Best New Caledonia Movies of All Time

The 10 Best New Caledonia Movies of All Time. You should check out these New Caledonia Movies. These New Caledonia Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


New Caledonia Movies

1. Rebellion (2011)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Mathieu Kassovitz

A group of dissident Kanak separatists attacked a police station on the French overseas territory of Ouvea, resulting in the hostage-taking of 30 police officers. Three hundred French soldiers were dispatched to restore order, but the situation remained volatile due to the proximity of the presidential election.

In the aftermath of the incident, two men came face-to-face with each other, one representing the General Intelligence Directorate (GIGN) and the other representing the Hostage Takers. Through their shared values, the two men attempted to engage in dialogue in an effort to win back control of the situation. – New Caledonia Movies

2. The Island Closest to Heaven (1984)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi

The plot follows a Japanese high school student who embarks on a journey to New Caledonia, a French overseas territory after her father passes away. Along the way, she encounters a group of dissidents who have taken over a police station, leading to a hostage situation. Through her interactions with Japanese expatriates and locals, she attempts to locate the location of the title of the film, which is located on an archipelago in the southwest Pacific. – New Caledonia Movies

3. McHale’s Navy (1964)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Edward Montagne

The story follows the crew as they attempt to recreate the classic Australian Derby on an island in the South Pacific to aid a needy orphanage. Unfortunately, the plan backfires, leaving the crew in debt and McHale’s mischievous second-in-command, Tim Conway, to rack up thousands of dollars in damages. The crew then come up with a plan to pay off their debt, but the captain, Joe Flynn (Joe Flynn), is suspicious of their plan and decides to take McHale to court martial. – New Caledonia Movies

4. Mercenary (2016)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Sacha Wolff

The protagonist is a young man from Wallis and Futures (New Caledonia) who has defied his father’s wishes and decided to pursue a career in rugby union in France. As he lives alone on the opposite side of the globe, he discovers that success comes at a cost. – New Caledonia Movies

5. The Proud and Profane (1956)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: George Seaton

In 1943, a war widow, Lee Ashley, became a volunteer for the American Red Cross in the Pacific, to locate the grave of her late husband, a United States Marine lieutenant, who was killed in action on the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific Ocean.

At Noumea, the Red Cross base on the island controlled by the Free French Forces, Kate Connors, a veteran nurse, advises Lee to abstain from romantic advances from the numerous Allied soldiers present. Despite this, Lee falls in love with a haughty battalion leader, Lieutenant Colonel Colin Black, who attempts to seduce her by pretending to be her late husband’s friend.

The relationship between Lee and Colin degenerates into complications, deception, heartbreak, and ultimately tragedy. Lee, accompanied by Kate, eventually finds her husband’s grave at a military cemetery, at which point she learns about the last moments of her late husband’s life and his opinion of her from a wounded soldier who was part of his company.

In a state of shock, Lee returns to the Red Cross base, where the victims of the latest battles are beginning to arrive, and her heart is yet to receive another blow. – New Caledonia Movies


6. A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures (2010)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Ben Stassen

A Green Sea Turtle named Sammy hatches on an uncharted beach, and while attempting to climb a sand slope, he is captured by a seagull. He flees with another Hatchling Sea Turtle named Shelly, who was also captured by the same bird.

Sammy is carried away on an old raft and is transported to the Tasman Sea where he spends the next fifty years journeying through a changing world due to global warming.

On the day after Sammy hatches, he forms a friendship with a leatherback Sea Turtle called Ray, who had also hatched the same day. The two companions spend their days traveling around the Ocean in their raft, and one morning Ray takes Sammy under the water to introduce him to Slim, a day octopus.

However, the raft is soon damaged by an oil spill caused by a wrecked oil tanker, and the two turtles become increasingly larger and more difficult to care for.

Eventually, the raft collapses, leaving them without a home. During an argument, Sammy and Ray are caught in a trawler net and are separated by hundreds of fish. Eventually, a dolphin rescues them from the sea and throws them back into the ocean. – New Caledonia Movies

7. Louise Michel (2009)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Sólveig Anspach

A French revolutionary woman is found guilty of conspiring against the forces of Bismarck and is subsequently expelled to the French colony of Noumea. – New Caledonia Movies

8. Atlantis (1991)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Luc Besson

The atmospheric soundtrack follows this collection of natural imagery that concentrates on the ocean and the various organisms that inhabit, inhabit, and inhabit the ocean. – New Caledonia Movies

9. The Rob Mission (2021)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Terence Chevrin

New Caledonia has decided to send two members of the Caledonian community to participate in an International Space Station mission as a symbol of the country’s commitment to living together, following a failed referendum. Despite careful planning and a successful inaugural ceremony, the magnitude of the mission is such that long-held resentments resurface at the most opportune moment. – New Caledonia Movies

10. Les deux pirogues de Salomon (1992)

New Caledonia Movies

Director: Marc-Arnaud Boussat

The canoe is a form of vernacular vernacular communication that has been largely eradicated in New Caledonia. Salomon Koate, with the assistance of the young inhabitants of the Tyé tribe, and his kinsmen from the Aoma Valley, seeks to revive this lost tradition. – New Caledonia Movies
