Top 10 Best Antigua And Barbuda Movies of All Time

Top 10 Best Antigua And Barbuda Movies of All Time. You should check out these Antigua And Barbuda Movies. These Antigua And Barbuda Movies will give you a lot of fun and practice.


1. Blue Caprice (2013)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Alexandre Moors

Lee (Tequila Richmond) is a young man who immigrates to the US from the Caribbean island of Antigua due to his mother’s inability to relocate due to her employment.

As a lonely teenager, Lee forms a bond with John (John Washington) and his family, which includes his three children. After a brief period of companionship, Lee and John move to Washington, D.C., with John’s girlfriend, Cassandra Freeman. John begins to introduce Lee as his own son.

During a jog, Lee encounters his former friend, Ray, and his family, including his wife, Joey (Lauren Adams), and their infant son.

In Ray’s basement, Lee finds an assortment of firearms and discovers that Lee is an excellent marksman. John returns home to confront Angela with a minor issue, resulting in her expelling Lee and John from her home. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

2. Wendy (2020)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Benh Zeitlin

Wendy Darling is a young girl living in the South with her mom, Angela, and her twin brothers, James and Douglas. When James and Douglas are celebrating their 7th birthday, Thomas Marshall, their neighbor and cousin, storms out of the house (worried about what his future holds) and disappears.

Wendy then sees him being lured into jumping on top of a train car by a mysterious hooded figure. Later that night, when the kids ask for a story before they go to bed, Angela starts to tell them about her own life and how she had to give up her dreams to start a family. Wendy starts to wonder if the same will happen to her. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

3. Money Money Money (1972)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Claude Lelouch

The movie starts with the five criminals in court and then goes back to the different adventures that brought them together. They start off as petty thieves and forgeries, but then they decide to take it to the next level.

They learn all kinds of crazy politics, pick up all kinds of half-baked ideas, and then they hire themselves out to get what they want. They get pop star Johnny Halladay by tricking him into paying double the ransom.

They take a Swiss diplomat to a Latin-American group, then they sell him to three different groups. They take a German 747 jet, then they make a deal with the German insurance company using a speech they wrote because none of them speak German. Finally, they hijack the Pope and the ransom is a donation of 1 franc from every Catholic around the world. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

4. The Island (1980)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Michael Ritchie

Blair Maynard, a Brit-born American journalist from New York City who used to be in the Navy, decides to find out why so many boats are disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle.

He takes his son Justin with him and promises them a trip to Disney World, but while they’re fishing, they’re both attacked by an old man and taken to an unknown island.

Once there, Blair finds out that the island is home to a bunch of old French pirates who have been living there for centuries, not seen by anyone. They make a living by raiding pleasure boats, but the pirates will kill anyone who comes to the island.

Blair and Justin are both kept alive because they think they’re related to Robert Maynard and they want to make up for the bad things that come with inbreeding.

Blair ends up impregnating a female and acting as a scriber for the illiterate group, and Justin is brainwashed into thinking he’s the pirate leader’s successor. Blair tries to escape, but all his attempts don’t work. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

5. Longitude (2000)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Charles Sturridge

The watchmaker John Harrison created the marine chronometer to ensure safe navigation at sea, and in the 20th century, the horologist, Rupert Gould, became obsessed with restoring the chronometer. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies


6. Firepower (1979)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Michael Winner

Sophia Loren plays Adele Tasca, who is present in New York City when her husband is killed in a letter bomb explosion. She suspects her former employer, the mysterious billionaire, Karl Stegner, played by George Touliatos, of being the perpetrator of the assassination.

Adele learns that her late husband, who was a chemist, found out that his employer had manufactured a drug that caused cancer in patients. The U.S. government wants to bring charges against the mysterious billionaire, who keeps his face hidden from the public and his income hidden from the tax authorities. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

7. Ben Stokes: Phoenix from the Ashes (2022)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Chris Grubb

This movie is a real eye-opener – it’s about an amazing cricketer and it’s got some really honest stuff in it. The directors got to get inside Ben’s head for the first time, and they got some great interviews with Sam Mendes to get an inside look at his life. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

8. Cricket Nation (2012)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Stephen Young Chin

Cricket is a globally renowned sport that has a long-standing presence in Canadian culture. In this article, Cricket Nation examines the influence of cricket on a variety of Canadians, including some former beer league ice hockey players who have taken up the sport. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

9. Sailing Band (2018)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Denis Nielsen

The story of a failed project and a band that never existed, Sailing Band follows an Antiguan-based group of musicians, led by two brothers from Brazil, as they attempt to make their dream of sailing across the Caribbean islands a reality. The only hitch is, they don’t have a boat. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

10. Redemption of Paradise (2011)

Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Director: Noel Howell

Millicent Reid is a former U.S. Army sniper who returns home to find her idyllic Paradise Island in ruins. Her community has fallen under the control of the infamous drug lord Roger and his gang of henchmen. Millie is determined to bring her community back to a place of peace and dignity.

She decides to take action against Roger and his gang. When she interferes with some of Roger’s drug deals, it starts a turf war.

When Millie reports a theft to the police, it results in the death of Roger’s brother, Young Prince. Roger retaliates by killing Mill’s daughter, Sherrie, and Mill’s grandson, Shane. Macka is left wheelchair-bound but vows revenge. – Antigua And Barbuda Movies

Antigua And Barbuda Movies
